red fire laps and spectrals…

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      Dragon Master wrote:

      Bladerunner03 wrote:

      Sweet!!!! 😛 but the spectral still freaks me out 😯

      The Specrtals have always freaked me out

      Me too! Definately don’t like the eyes and *ducks* it’s not my favorite sculpt 😕




        twindragonsmum wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        Bladerunner03 wrote:

        Sweet!!!! 😛 but the spectral still freaks me out 😯

        The Specrtals have always freaked me out

        Me too! Definately don’t like the eyes and *ducks* it’s not my favorite sculpt 😕

        I have never been thrilled with the sculpt either


          I never used to like the Spectral because of the eyes being the way they are. But I have developed a real love for them after I got my white one.

          The Spectral on Ebay right now looks awesome in red fire. I may have to try for one of those later on.


          My wife repainted one, and i preasured her to get it done and out of the house. The whole time it was here, I felt like I was being watched.


          Bladerunner03 wrote:

          My wife repainted one, and i preasured her to get it done and out of the house. The whole time it was here, I felt like I was being watched.

          😆 ! I delayed buying a Spectral for years because I didn’t like the fact that there was no pupil in the eyes to focus on. They have the same intimidating stare as an unsmiling highway patrolman in mirrored shades. Finally I decided that I wanted a Riser in peacock, mostly because of its wonderful scale colors, and when it arrived it seemed to me that the eyes weren’t so bad after all. I now have three Spectrals and have come to like their weird eyes. But I won’t keep the little buggers in my bedroom. 😉


            I never liked the spectrals at all until I owned one. When I saw it, it was love at first sight: -)


              I just got my fiery red hatchling……OMG The coloring is soooo pretty. Everyone in the house loves it. I’ll post some pic tomorrow of the CoA Sketch and try to get the special paint ^^


                Cool Onyxt, congrats…can’t wait to see pix: -)


                  So what about seeing the spectrals in person made you change your mind? My biggest problem with them is the eyes. I guess I’m weird that way 😆 On the few dolls I’ve made I’ve had to choose a head mould that had the eyes sculpted in and then paint the eyes on. I just can’t handle the eye-less sockets *SHUDDERS*




                    The spectrals’ eyes aren’t so monochromatic in real life, at least not in my lighting. They are rather more rainbowish (hence spectral)…green toward the edges and then pinkish to gold in the middle. They look like the globes in the curlies, only smaller. I am not an eyeball person myself (at all). No empty sockets on anything but skulls, no eyeball tattoos, etc. I’m not saying the spectrals are for everybody….I think you need to see one in person to make a decision. I did, anyway.


                    😆 You guys are funny. The eyes aren’t creepy! 😆 (I think I like them because they’re so different.)


                      lamortefille wrote:

                      The spectrals’ eyes aren’t so monochromatic in real life, at least not in my lighting. They are rather more rainbowish (hence spectral)…green toward the edges and then pinkish to gold in the middle. They look like the globes in the curlies, only smaller. I am not an eyeball person myself (at all). No empty sockets on anything but skulls, no eyeball tattoos, etc. I’m not saying the spectrals are for everybody….I think you need to see one in person to make a decision. I did, anyway.

                      they look better with the black background in the eyes though….they have more color and life in them…

                      hehe…but with the white background like this…they are so much brighter…

                      I like the spectrals because they are just so different from the other dragons


                        Does the white spectral have a white background behind the eyes? I only have one and it’s a ruby….


                        The first batch of white Spectrals didn’t get the black background painted behind their eyes. A mistake. They should have (even though they look cool without it.)


                          lamortefille wrote:

                          Does the white spectral have a white background behind the eyes? I only have one and it’s a ruby….

                          well the first batch of white sitting spectrals did not have the black behind the eyes….it was kind of a boo boo

                          but I think the later batches had them with black…but the picture was still with the white back….

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