red fire laps and spectrals…

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    What emerald said. Different color eyes is an option for the OWs, but Melody is still concerned about lessening the value of the LE OWs.


      I can understand… I really would like him in that color though…of course if the Lap came in Silver I could get the OW in Red Fire….I was holding out for an Green OW …but I haven’t even heard that one mentioned really…who knows when/if he will be made in that color… πŸ˜•


      The OW is going to look great in RF. πŸ˜€


        Blade-of-the-Moon wrote:

        I can understand… I really would like him in that color though…of course if the Lap came in Silver I could get the OW in Red Fire….I was holding out for an Green OW …but I haven’t even heard that one mentioned really…who knows when/if he will be made in that color… πŸ˜•

        There has been some mention of the OW possibly coming out in the old green coloration, and of couse he already came out in Emerald (and has retired).


        Yeah, but Old Green depends on how much paint they hve left. More curlies first, please!


          The older green color would look better than the emerald anyway I think…a color that helps accentuate his age marks, scars and will make him look old as well…those really bright colors are fine for young Dragonets…but not old Wyrms though… πŸ˜‰

          I’m dying to buy the Lap in the new RF color…but the OW possibility is killing me… πŸ™


          Theres nothing standing in the way of an RF OW. We’re bound to see one. πŸ˜‰


            It’s much easier waiting when you know when something is going to be released… right now I just hope he comes out before my urge to buy the Lap in that color causes me to buy her first…. πŸ˜‰


            Sweet!!!! πŸ˜› but the spectral still freaks me out 😯


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Yeah, but Old Green depends on how much paint they hve left. More curlies first, please!

              Yes, more curlies please!


              The Red Fire coloring has really grabbed my attention! I would dearly love to see the OW in this color. πŸ˜€ And the Lap is already on my “gotta save for this!” list. Likewise the Spectral . . . but the OW would take higher priority, just because he’s such a wonderful sculpt.

              I’d be all over an OW in the Old Green, but I sure hope there’d be enough for all of us who want one! πŸ™„


                Barrdwing wrote:

                I’d be all over an OW in the Old Green, but I sure hope there’d be enough for all of us who want one! πŸ™„

                Unfortunately, There probably won’t be! πŸ˜†


                  Yeah, most likely there will only be a few, which saddens me…cause I want one sooooo bad. πŸ™


                  Bladerunner03 wrote:

                  Sweet!!!! πŸ˜› but the spectral still freaks me out 😯

                  πŸ˜† yeah, the eyes bug me on the spectrals. The only one I can stand is the empea. I really like the RF though, so if I do buy one then I’ll make myself like it. I really like both the spectral and lap in this colour. I want to see the rising spectral before I buy the sitting.


                    Bladerunner03 wrote:

                    Sweet!!!! πŸ˜› but the spectral still freaks me out 😯

                    The Specrtals have always freaked me out

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