Red Fire dragons are now in the store

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      We have added the Red Fire colored dragons to the on-line store. These are regular production pieces and are also available from your local dealers.

      (P.S. We still don’t have horns for the Rainbow Old Warriors. For those who notice the fact that there are Red Fire Old Warriors (with horns 😉 ) in the store, the Red Fire dragons were born and matured first, before the Rainbow Limited Production dragons were born.)



          I say we dehorn the red fires and give the horns to the rainbows 😈 (I’m really just kidding I wouldn’t do that to the red fire ow’s)


            Ack! Need more hooooooooorns! I’m impatient…. But thanks for giving us an update on the Rainbow OWs along with your announcement, Susie.


            Thanks for the update!


            😆 at the Red Fire OWs maturing first. I don’t mind that the Rainbow OWs are still In Progress: it gives me more time to save up! When I saw that the number of OW colors in the Store had gone from 2 to 3, my heart skipped a beat. I definitely want a Red Fire OW as well, but since he’s regular production I can wait a little while on him. 🙂


              Thank you Susie for the update…I am wondering tho when the ics of the RF Emperor will be up in the store…I AM DYING TO SEE ONE…. 😀



              I don’t mind the wait for the rainbows. Time is money, and money is what we all need. 😆


                mmloda wrote:

                Thank you Susie for the update…I am wondering tho when the ics of the RF Emperor will be up in the store…I AM DYING TO SEE ONE…. 😀

                I know the Emperor Dragon is available now. I won’t have a pic though until someone orders one, and I get it in.


                  emerald212 wrote:

                  mmloda wrote:

                  Thank you Susie for the update…I am wondering tho when the ics of the RF Emperor will be up in the store…I AM DYING TO SEE ONE…. 😀

                  I know the Emperor Dragon is available now. I won’t have a pic though until someone orders one, and I get it in.

                  Thank you Emerald…I’m kinda waitiding to see a pic and I have to save up for him, but if and when I decide to get one I will let you know.:lol:



                    That’s okay. That wasn’t supposed to be a sales pitch. I’m just saying that I can’t really afford to buy one unless I get an order, so I won’t have a pic until that happens. I’m not trying to guilt anyone. That is not my intent.

                    If anyone does get a picture, and has no problem with my using it on my site, please send it to me via email. I will give you photography credit too!

                    That includes any of the dragons I currently don’t have a picture for too. Thanks!


                    Can someone share a picture of a fledgling or any other Red Fire (besides the hatcher)? I can’t decide which I should get. I have mostly hatchers, fledglings, and youngs. (live in small apartment with two young kids can’t get the huge ones all of the time) I am just curious how they look in a “house light”. Thanks!


                      Not a very good picture, but….


                      Thanks! That helped! I guess they aren’t as weird looking as I thought. (but I’m still not in love with the mother)


                        Here are my pics.


                        I think the OW’s photo shows the real colors best. The others look like they got too much flash are got washed out a bit, or too bright maybe.

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