Red Fire!

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      Hi Melody! 🙂

      I LOVE the new production color. I think it’s a much better red color scheme than the ruby color. Are all the dragons going to be made in this new color as regular production?

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          Enquiring minds want to know!!!???


            I agree that I love this new red a lot more then the ruby too!


              I NEED an Old Warrior in this color!!!!! /dropsdeadfromheartattack


                purpledoggy wrote:

                I NEED an Old Warrior in this color!!!!! /dropsdeadfromheartattack

                Don’t do that!!
                You have a little one and a husbnad to take care of


                oooh yah, a OW in that color would make me happy, if I can’t get a brown, I’ll take that!



                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  I NEED an Old Warrior in this color!!!!! /dropsdeadfromheartattack

                  Don’t do that!!
                  You have a little one and a husbnad to take care of

                  Ok how about /fallsonfloorfromsyncopalepisode


                  Oh! As usual, you know Im gonna squeak for a curl in this color. It’s the only dragon I can afford! But I can certainly see it on the other dragons- easily! Good color scheme! Beauty!


                    CURLS = LOVE!!!
                    Poads = ????


                      Arlla wrote:

                      Hi Melody! 🙂

                      I LOVE the new production color. I think it’s a much better red color scheme than the ruby color. Are all the dragons going to be made in this new color as regular production?Yes. However all the dragons won’t happen until we can get to it, which may not be ’till later next year sometime. With luck.
                      Sitting Spectrals and Laps will be next in this color, because we have those castings on hand to paint right now.


                        Melody wrote:

                        Arlla wrote:

                        Hi Melody! 🙂

                        I LOVE the new production color. I think it’s a much better red color scheme than the ruby color. Are all the dragons going to be made in this new color as regular production?Yes. However all the dragons won’t happen until we can get to it, which may not be ’till later next year sometime. With luck.
                        Sitting Spectrals and Laps will be next in this color, because we have those castings on hand to paint right now.
                        any sort of ETA on Fledgies??


                        Sitting Spectrals! All right! 😀


                          I don’t like the sitting specs too much, but I have to say they look AWESOME in this color!!

                          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                          -J R R Tolkien


                          And they’ll probably look even better with the invisible paint on the Special 10. 😀

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