Red Eye Squeek

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    I am squeeking for some red eyed copper patina emperor dragons. I love this newer version that has less of the patina and MORE of the violet, so that is what I am squeeking for 🙂

    Thanks Melody <3


      I’m a fan of the red-eyed CP dragons too. >.> But I prefer a bit more patina than what the current batch has. It’s the contrast with the patina that makes the red eyes appeal to me. That’s why I didn’t like the teal eyes before…they blended in too much. They look a lot better on this version, but it just doesn’t excite me the way the 2nd? or was it the 3rd? version did. Er, the one that looked like this :


        Yes please red eyes. 🙂


          I like the newer version better . Less patina and more blended and the teal eyes.


            I like the newer version better . Less patina and more blended and the teal eyes.

            Uh, I think she’s just squeaking for some of the sculpts that’ve only come out with the teal eyes, in the new version, to ALSO be put out with red eyes – and since the red eyes would not look good on the ‘newer version’ of CP, obviously we’d want a bit of a reversion back to the way it was before…when the red eyes DID look good (even if not to you). We’re not saying ‘don’t ever use teal eyes again, we only want red!’ Just ‘if possible, make some the way WE like it, as well’.


            I’m just saying I’d like a batch made with Red eyes. The teal eyes look beautiful too, but I like the little devilish look the dragons get with red eyes. 🙂 To each his own. Both are awesome.

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