Recipe for Pralines – Windstone Approved :)

Home Forums Miscellany Food Recipe for Pralines – Windstone Approved :)

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    I sent some Pralines to Windstone for Christmas and I hope others will enjoy this simple recipe. Susie and Karen seemed to enjoy them.


    Make these on a low humidity, cool day for best results:

    1 cup sugar
    1 cup brown sugar
    1/2 cup evaporated milk
    2 tablespoons light karo corn syrup

    Cook until it reaches 234 to 238 degrees F on candy thermometer, stirring constantly. When 234 degrees remove from heat. The mixture will be bubbling a lot! It takes about 15 minutes on medium heat.

    Add 2 tablespoons real butter and stir in, keep stirring and let cool down to about 180 degrees and

    Add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract,

    Then stir in 1 Cups of pecan halves. Keep stirring as mixture gets thicker. It will look like and smell like hot caramel

    For best results use a silicon baking sheet laid on the counter top and spoon a tablespoon of the mixture at a time on the sheets.

    If the mixture gets hard or sugary, put back over the heat for a few seconds to re-melt the mixture and then spoon on the baking sheet.

    If using wax paper, the pralines may stick…the silicon sheets are much better. Let cool and then pull up and store in an airtight container between layers of wax paper in a cool dry place.

    Recipe makes about a dozen large or 16 to 20 small pralines.

    The hotter the mixture gets on the stove, the harder the pralines will be…at 234 they will be softer and at 238 crunchier, be sure to sample the cooling leftover sauce from the pan, it is to die for!!!!


      Ooooo, YUM! I’m gonna hafta try this one!




      twindragonsmum wrote:

      Ooooo, YUM! I’m gonna hafta try this one!


      It is easy, but you must use a candy thermometer and get some silicone baking sheets, if the mix is too hot when you spoon it will cool like caramel. It is a project that you need to make one or two batches to get it right,

      Do not be frustrated if it doesn’t work the first time 🙂 The mix is so hot it actually will melt the wax paper. So get silicon baking sheets…

      Email or pm me if you have questions…..


      Thanks for the recipe, Kaya. 😀


        Sound Wonderful I’ll have to try them


          Those are easy to burn I wonder if the peanut butter thing works with them?


            Oh yum, gotta try these! 😀


            These sound yummy! I’m gonna try them this fall. Every year my MIL & SIL and I get togeher during hunting camp to bake for the coming holidays…These will be fun to try!

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