Really want to buy/trade for a proto Flame OW

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Really want to buy/trade for a proto Flame OW

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  • #502033


        I’ve been waiting for one to pop up since before i joined the forum and so far none have come up that anyone has been willing to part with so far. I’m offering whatever would make parting with your proto flame ow worth your while. This is my grail piece and if it costs me an arm and a leg and i have to stop spending on other pieces for a good long while to afford it so be it. If you’re at all interested pm me and we can talk price. I also would be willing to trade almost any piece/piece in my collection for one so if you have certain pieces you’re looking for pm me with the list and i can see what i have to part with. I would also be willing to bid on and try to win for you any piece on ebay or that might be going up on ebay in the future.

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