
Really? … and I thought 2012 was bad. My apologies, I need to rant!

Home Forums Miscellany Community Really? … and I thought 2012 was bad. My apologies, I need to rant!

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      So I have just hit the ground running so far this year. It’s still only January and so far, I sunk $500+ in car repairs… broken caliper, melted break lines, wheel cylinder and master cylinder all replaced, that was fun. Ein smacked his face jumping off the couch and his poor little fang is turning all grey and need to probably get that removed soon at the vet. Had a huge blow out at work so I hate that place, had a huge blow out with Shaun and now I want to smash his face in. The furnace spontaneously combusted up the other day, got that fixed but had no heat or hot water for a day and a half and now this morning the pipes burst (well, probably last night actually) from the heat being off and it being like 12 degrees lastnight. >_< Of course it's Sunday too so I can't call the insurance company till tomorrow. Probably over $10,000 in damage at least. One whole room, the entire cast iron base board just exploded! Now the room is drying out and we are seeing the real damage. Our shared hallway, all the ceilings, the walls, the floors, event he doors, all ruined. Not to mention all the furniture and stuff that was in the room. Completely destroyed! My sister is beside herself right now. So I'll explain... Everything seems okay for the night, I go to bed after getting the furnace fixed ($1000, but my sister and I split the bill) and finally have heat and hot water again. YAY! I gEt up this morning to let the dog out to go to the bathroom and I opened my door and this wave of "heat" hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm like "OMG! Is the furnace is working again and it's working AMAZING apparently?!" So I get to the front door to go outside and it is COVERED with condensation! I'm like "Ooookay.. that seems weird" (for those who don't know, I'm in a duplex/2 family style house. My sister lives downstairs, I live upstairs and we bought it together basically because we had so many animals and it's easier to afford then buying a house alone... or so we thought) So at first I am thinking she has her heat cranked because it was so cold out, but I'm feeling this tremendous heat coming from her side room that she doesn't really use too often and I'm wondering, what the hell is going on? I'm waiting and wondering at the door as I'm letting the dog do his business outside. So he's rolling around in the snow like a goof, so I run down to look at the furnace and it seems to be working fine. So I go back to see if Ein is done doing his thing and I hear water running. Just REALLY faintly, but it's definitely running water SOMEWHERE. The noise is coming from this side room that is directly underneath the room I keep all my windstones in. ( I THINK it was originally a porch, the previous owner converted into a two floor style sun room or something. Works great for keeping my Windstones in, and my sister collects KISS memorabilia and she uses the room downstairs for all her collectibles too. ) So the room is locked I am weirded out enough to knock on her door and wake her up to show her what's going on. We go in the room and OMG!! because of it being so freaking cold and the furnace being out of commission for the day, the pipes froze and the hot water exploded from the baseboard and it was like a freaking SAUNA! it looked like fire at first because the steam just poured out of the room! Stepped on the floor (it's a small step down) and *squish squish* the floor is totally saturated in water! It was so high, you almost couldn't tell it was there! Probably around 3 inches. The water literally high enough, when you stepped on the rug, it went over my shoe and poured inside of it! ALL of my sisters KISS stuff is totally ruined! I didn't even think about my room upstairs, but the steam was SO BAD all my new shelves I just put in two days ago (and old ones) are all expanded on the bottoms because they are that fiber board crap. >_< Also, it smells like mildew really bad now so I have all the windows open in there even though it is freaking freezing! I just got back from getting a dehumidifier from my neighbor and now we have that running. Now hours later, the clean up is mostly done.. at least what we can do anyway. We are now seeing the basement is totally flooded as well. If I had walked to the OTHER side of the basement when I checked the furnace, I would have seen the water running down the wall and creating a pool on the floor. My step father is going to come and help us pump it out, but what a freaking disaster X.X I just took a break for a while and wanted to vent, gripe, whine, piss and moan about it because I really just want to smash my head in a wall. I feel so bad for my sister though, she took the brunt of the damage. She had to throw away so many collectibles. The steam was so bad the paint literally peeling off a bunch of her stuff. I'm going to try and fix some of it, but all her metal lunch boxes and pictures, photos, signed artwork, all completely destroyed. I can't believe, it only took one night and all the metal tins, thermoses, and everything she had are all already rusted. Because the water was so hot too, I can already smell the mold smell that's going to be inevitable. Awesome, can't wait to breathe all that in after all the issues I have been having with breathing lately. AH!!! This year officially BLOWS!!! Sorry... I just wanted to vent. I am hoping insurance will cover most of it, but in the mean time I just don't know what else can go wrong this month? I'm afraid to even ask! 0.o The only thing is now we finally are at the point we are cracking jokes at least. This flood wasn't MY fault at least like the last one! LOL! I redid my kitchen last year and my new sink caused a debockle in the plumbing that flooded her kitchen and she had to get her floor replaced. Oh man! HAHAHA! We are terrible home owners!!! I think at this point we HAVE to laugh about it! *sigh* Okay, now that I have the feeling back in my fingers, back to help drag this stuff to the driveway! Sorry if this is a garble of sentences full of typos! LOL! I will recheck it later. ^_^

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


      Ohhhh Such huge hugs to you guys!! I feel for you both and this year really is a whopper so far for you! I hope it gets better for you.


        Thanks so much Branzy, I think it’s been a bad year already for quite a few forum members! >_<

        Got a busted Windstone?
        *OPEN for repairs*

        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
        Siphlophis Male Dragon
        Calypso Hatching Empress
        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
        Tattoo Mother Kirin
        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          Wow – I am so sorry all this happened! How miserable!!*hugs*
          I agree so far this year hasn’t been very kind to us either.
          I hope you get everything fixed soon. It’s got to be freezing.


            Wow. So sorry to hear all of this! Hopefully everything turns out okay.


              Oh wow. I can’t even imagine. I would probably be in a fetal position curled up under the bed right now. 🙁

              Hopefully all your Windstones are okay and insurance covers everything with minimal pain.

              Sounds like a really rotten year thus far – here’s hoping that January troubles become faint memories the rest of the year and you got all the bad luck out of the way in one big bundle.



                Hugs. Just to give you a heads up, be prepared for the water bill. 🙁 burst pipes suck becuase not only do you have to clean up the damage and ruined stuff but you get the privilege of paying for it too….

                My well wishes are with you hon.

                Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                Sun Dragon Koi #3


                  Oh no! OMG, what rotten luck…

                  Big, fixing hugs.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Hugs. Just to give you a heads up, be prepared for the water bill. 🙁 burst pipes suck becuase not only do you have to clean up the damage and ruined stuff but you get the privilege of paying for it too….

                    My well wishes are with you hon.

                    Yea, I’m already thinking about that. Also, we just noticed we blew through a quarter of the oil tank in one night 0.o It just cost like $800 to fill it up 3 weeks ago and now we only have a little under a quarter left.

                    I’m lucky I had an extra paycheck this month, but I might end up selling a couple of things to play catch up on top of it…. thank god for electric heaters right now. Otherwise we would be freaking FREEZING!!! Everything is basically fixed now plumbing wise so things should be back to normal in a few hours, but that room and the rooms around it are in bad shape. Luckily, the room further in the house that goes into my sisters office seems okay. The door swelled so much that no steam actually seemed to get into the room and there is a step up to get into it, so no water pooled in there at least.

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                      Wow, when it rains, it pours!

                      I’m really sorry to read about your bad luck. I really hope that this is the worst of it and that you get clear sailing from now on.


                        Wow, that’s pretty crazy, dragonfeathers. Sorry about your wretched situation and I wish you luck! I was cursing my own luck because it looks like I might have to replace the engine in my Bronco that I just rebuilt 1 year ago (have to get a chance to take it apart first and see for sure what’s up), as well as having to replace my PS3 that decided to crap out on me for a second time (not gonna have it repaired again!)- but damn… seems like small potatoes now.
                        🙁 What a nightmare to have all of that damage to your home and precious collectibles!

                        Formerly had the Batman & Joker avatar!


                          Oh, NOOOO….oh, that is awful. I really feel for your sister right now….I know the damage to the house is horrid….but I can imagine losing her collection hurt a whole lot more. 🙁

                          (hugs) It will get better…..is HAS to, right???


                            Oh my goodness. That is awful! Sorry to hear. It seems like we all go through trials like this at some point. I remember a few years ago we boticed a leak from a pipe above dripping into our basement and there was a pool of water on the floor. Luckily it was an unfinished basement. But then our furnace pilot light went out and we couldn’t get it to re-light and then realized there was something wrong with the furnace maybe from the leaking water. We had to turn off the main water valve so had no water or heat. We couldn’t get it fixed for a long time and had to buy a bunch of space heaters to heat the house and had no running water. When we did turn the water on to fill up some buckets and things, we had no hot water either and had to shower at swimming pools and things. This went on for months through a cold snowy winter until we could finally get it fixed. It was horrible. I hope things get better for you.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                              🙁 I’m super sorry Dragon. Give your sister a hug. I can’t imagine losing a life’s collection.



                                I’m really sorry! That sounds like a hug nightmare!

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