
Re-stocked Hatching Dragons in Peacock and BVP today, 2/26/14

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Re-stocked Hatching Dragons in Peacock and BVP today, 2/26/14

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      We were out of these colors for a little while – but they are back in stock now! Hatching Dragons in the new version in Peacock and in Black Violet Peacock. http://windstoneeditions.com/catalog/dragons/hatching-dragons


        I’m not sure when the Baby Dragons will be restocked – but they are on the list of things to do so it will happen!


          I’m not sure when the Baby Dragons will be restocked – but they are on the list of things to do so it will happen!

          Thanks, Susie.

          I’m sure they will find their way back into the store. I’m equally sure that there’s a pretty long “to-do” list.

          No worries. Everything in it’s own good time.

          Life is beautiful.

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