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  • #729973

      Is anyone else having trouble getting onto the ravnheart database? I tried the link that’s given here on the forum and is keeps bringing up a human heart website…



          says the domain is expired and whoever runs it needs to contact them to renew it


          “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”

          that’s what I get


            I get the same “domain expired” heart page. I want to check the price of something on my dwindling wishlist before I post asking for it but I want to get the Flap Cat out the way first so I can wait. 😀


              Heart page 🙁 OMG I hope all that info wasn’t lost!!!!


                The person that owned it (ravnheart?) is the only one that can do anything about it. As it says, their domain expired and they would have to renew it or move their page elsewhere.

                Domains are kinda like… ohh, kinda like apartments online where your site lives. You have to pay to get an address that when someone types in http://www.yournamehere.com or .net etc, your site can live at. If you don’t pay and don’t renew your lease, you are outta there.

                (Okay, not exactly, but that’s it in a nutshell)

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                My art: featherdust.com


                  2Huberts wrote:

                  Heart page 🙁 OMG I hope all that info wasn’t lost!!!!

                  If anything, I think Pegasi has the database info in excel form. It can be recreated with that info if necessary.


                    Oh shit!
                    I hope Pegasi can make one. 🙁
                    I wouldn’t mind helping if I can.


                    That would be awful if the database was lost! Especially after all the work that was put into it.


                    Ah, bummer! That was a lot of work put into updating it, and I sure loved having it as a resource. 🙁


                      I do still have all the data in excel form (glad I kept maintaining that as well). And I was just trying to catch it back up earlier this week. I fell a little behind when my husband came home. 😳 And to think that the other day I was wondering if there was some way to download what was online to save it, but all I had access to was uploading data, not the actual files themselves.

                      I wish I could say I knew how to re-code everything that ravnheart’s husband did to begin with, but my knowledge of html isn’t that extensive, plus I think he probably used some scripts like php and others to do it.


                      I’m glad you have the info still, pegasi! It would be a shame if all that information was lost! 🙁


                      I know this is about the database- and I agree with those concerned about the loss of such extensive research and upkeep. I used it a lot as well and hope it will still be available in some form or another in the future.

                      But my question is- is ravnheart OK? I havent been around so I dont know if she left the forum or is sick or what have you. I liked her a lot; always a sweetie and Im hoping her absence doesnt mean she isnt well. Can anyone shed any light here?


                        The last time Ravnheart publically posted to the forum was late November 2007. Nothing since then.

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