Raven Flapcat….*falls over from hyperventalating.

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Raven Flapcat….*falls over from hyperventalating.

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    OMG Melody!!! I just saw Raven on ebay…*drools* he is soo pretty! You did great on capturing the reddish tinge to the black. I remember you saying you liked that about some of the black cats you have seen. 😳 I have a cat who has that reddish color in his ruff, but he has no white. (He is my 17 yr old cat.)I will have to dig around and see if I have a pic of him somewhere in this mess of a computer. πŸ™‚


      I’m liking these stray cat series! Oooooo gypsum problems so away so each and everyone of us can snag one of these pretties! πŸ™‚


        Raven is absolutely gorgeous. Darn this not-having-any-money stuff! *cries*


          I’m loving all of these kitties. Raven is gorgeous. I’m sooo hoping for more Flap Cats that are offered in the store. The ebayed kitties are just to far out of mt league πŸ™ .


          purpleturtle wrote:

          I’m loving all of these kitties. Raven is gorgeous. I’m sooo hoping for more Flap Cats that are offered in the store. The ebayed kitties are just to far out of my league πŸ™ .

          I think alot of us fall under that category with you PT. πŸ˜• * πŸ™ ‘s with ya*

          Crimson Vision

            So did anyone here snag this handsome kitty for that great price? I love his coloring but am holding out for a mostly black eyes shut flapcat. πŸ™‚


              Not me. But does anyone else here think a Black Flap Cat with red wings would look killer cool 8) ?


                Wow, that was a good price for an Ebay Flap Cat. I didn’t go for it as I already won Magic and I prefer the metallic wings. Congrats to whoever got him though!

                Crimson Vision

                  purpleturtle wrote:

                  Not me. But does anyone else here think a Black Flap Cat with red wings would look killer cool 8) ?

                  I would LOVE a black flapcat with red wings & eyes. I also think an all black one with silver accented wings like ‘Magic’s wings in the recent auction would look cool; I really liked him but again want the eyes closed. No mustache either. πŸ˜‰

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