Rare Large White Odd-Eyed Flap Cat for Sale!

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Rare Large White Odd-Eyed Flap Cat for Sale!

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  • #634221

    EDIT: Cat has been sold!

    I have decided to sell my Windstone Large White Odd-Eyed Flap Cat. I still love it (quite dearly), but there are Windstone pieces that have been released recently that I would like more, and cannot afford at the moment, so selling would help me get those funds.

    It was listed for a short time on ebay by Melody for $200 during the summer of ’06- her description is as follows;
    “The body of this cat is painted snowy white and he has pearly white wings. He has been lightly antiqued with grey, just enough to bring out the details of his fur and feathers. His nose and paw pads are pink. The collar is painted metallic gold and set with three light blue jewels that match his eyes. He’s about 7-1/4 inches tall and 6-1/4 inches wide. This limited production cat is mint and comes with a hangtag. He is signed by the artist, Melody Pena, on the grey felt bottom and he comes with a signed letter of authenticity.”

    Heres some pictures of the cat, I hope these work;

    The cat is in mint condition, I still have the box she came in, and the letter of authenticity (the letter has a few small creases as you can see in the photo).

    I’ll sell it (through paypal) to the person with the best offer at the end of a week. Id like to get at least around $250 dollars for it, and might be willing to trade for other windstone pieces if you want it but dont have the cash (like a female black griffin and/or chicks) but post here and we can talk!
    Note: The current highest offer is $300

    Thanks for looking!



      That’s one gorgeous kitty! I must resist (for now). 😆 😉 Best of Luck!


        WOW! That is one RARE kitty, I think there was ever only the one batch that was sold on ebay. BTW it’s not even listed on the ebay gallery but I do remember them. After that one batch, the large whites only came with blue eyes.

        Well, good luck with that sale and lucky whoever gets it 😀


          He’s very pretty. I’m sure you’ll sell him! I’d put an offer in for him but I am seriously flat broke! 🙁


          Laphon1 has it on her wish list… I told her to contact you but you might want to contact her. No one else had it on their wish list (by wish list I mean my thread here in the flea market which you posted in once I think).


            How about a trade for a black griffin mom and a male gold dragon? Both are mint in box. 🙂


            Lucky person, whoever gets it!


              In your pictures it looks like the odd eye is orange. Is it? I was thinking they were yellow/straw.


                That is a nice looking flapper! Good luck to whoever wants him, and can actually afford him… unlike the rest of us right now apparently! 😆


                  PM’d you. I want this one.


                  Good luck, laphon. 😀


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Good luck, laphon. 😀



                    littleironhorse wrote:

                    WOW! That is one RARE kitty, I think there was ever only the one batch that was sold on ebay. BTW it’s not even listed on the ebay gallery but I do remember them. After that one batch, the large whites only came with blue eyes.

                    Well, good luck with that sale and lucky whoever gets it 😀

                    Actually it seems they just put him up in the gallery- http://www.windstoneeditions.com/ebay%20gallery.htm
                    with the rest of the flap cats.

                    EDIT: Oh whoops, nevermind, thats only the blue eyed one.


                    SilverArrow wrote:

                    In your pictures it looks like the odd eye is orange. Is it? I was thinking they were yellow/straw.

                    No, its not orange, it is straw- I didnt have great lighting when I took the photos so it looks darker than it actually is.

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