
Rant re:school

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    Jennifer wrote:

    Rusti wrote:

    It just makes me sad that you’re not able to get anywhere in this country without a college education, and yet it’s so insanely expensive and difficult to pay for. People get [insert rude expression concerning the nether regions and lack of lube here] before they even get started in life.

    Does it show that I’m totally disappointed and disgusted?

    Even with an education and years of professional experience, it’s getting very hard to find jobs right now.

    What Jennifer said. Congratulations on getting your first bachelor’s! There is no way around the cost of tuition, unfortunately, but about books, I’ve found that JCs actually charge more than universities do! 😯 A good way to undercut them is to use Amazon.com; you’ll save lots, and I’m not kidding! And yes, keep pressuring the Financial Aid office. That way you don’t fall into the cracks. In college, the squeaky wheel gets the grease!


      I bought all my books on half.com, and then resold them after each semester. It was a great way to cut costs.


      Could be worse, at least you are getting an “educaiton” at your school. 😆

      Check this out:

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


      Keplilly wrote:

      Could be worse, at least you are getting an “educaiton” at your school. 😆

      Check this out:

      Now that’s funny!

      On another note, it is staggering how much illiteracy is alive and well across this great nation.

      My mother has some saved, official business documents from work where … oh how do I say this … they are written with an obvious blackish, southernish accent.

      Absolutely hysterical, but a real embarassment for the company. Which so happens to be a rather large banking institution.

      I’m fine talking slang, but when it comes to an official letter for a company? Let’s just say, the company could not fire this individual.

      I remember my father saying one day, as he was scanning past Jerry Springer to his favorite show, M*A*S*H*, “That’s all make believe.”

      I knew the moment he uttered that sentance that he was repeating my mother, who was at work. I laughed and responded, very seriously mind you, as I pointed out the back sliding glass door to the neighboring yard, “Um Pop, that carp is not make believe … Want proof? Think about your neighbor back there.”

      The look on his face as the truth dawned on him was enlightening and scary at the same time.

      ~Hoofer, straining to refrain 8)

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