Random thoughs request input.

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        Ok, so I work at Aaron Brothers Art and Framing, and had an idea…..We have those permanent paint pens, and lots of frames, and I was thinking of using the pens to decorate the frames with random patterns or designs or dragons….Whatever…

        What do you all think? Would any of you be interested? I’ll be working on one tonight and post pics tomarrow Evening. I could use all sorts of frames, different colors/sizes….Could also do custom work….who knows.

        Anyway I would LOVE your input!



        I-d sure like to see some examples of your work.


        Yes, I have a lot of stuff that needs a frame. I would like to see them as well.


        Yea, I have stuff that needs framing too! Lets see some pics of them Cat 😀


          what size frames could you do? I’m always looking for ACEO sized frames 2.5″ x 3.5″ they are always hard to find. Plus I have a ton of art that needs to be framed.


            I can get anything from a 2.5″ x 3.5″ to a 27″ x 41″ (but those don’t have much frame to paint…..I’ll post pics this afternoon. I haven’t finished it because I had to sand and lacquer chairs this weekend >< Will try and finish today or Tuesday, but will definately post pics today.

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