rainbow young

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      Don’t ask… 😈


      bodine6127 wrote:

      pegasi1978 wrote:

      Windstone has talked about putting a coffee table book (with most of the sculpts in the different colors) together, but it is something that will have to wait until things have settled down some more after the move. What more would you want to know about a piece other than when it was first produced, when it was retired and possibly average resale value? Because I can’t think of anything else that would really go with each piece since most of them are just the same sculpts in different colors.

      There are many little detail questions people have about their dragons. You,yourself answered Dragon87 on a thread,when he asked about a peacock coloring and you answered him with the answer about the color of the jewel told what it was. These are the little things that
      collectors need and want to know. I know, this is what the forum is for,but most of the time I ask a question about something,I get weird answers,no answers,or people go off in another direction and the actual question gets by-passed. I ask forum members personally, and get some answers but for as many as I alone have,could bother them and I don’t want to bug anyone. THE main reason I joined a Forum on something I admired and wanted to learn more about, was to get answers and to learn about this particular product line.I am sure,I am not alone 🙂

      Hehe… I’m a she! I do remember asking that though (how much digging did you have to do to find that?) 😀


        Dragon87 wrote:

        bodine6127 wrote:

        pegasi1978 wrote:

        Windstone has talked about putting a coffee table book (with most of the sculpts in the different colors) together, but it is something that will have to wait until things have settled down some more after the move. What more would you want to know about a piece other than when it was first produced, when it was retired and possibly average resale value? Because I can’t think of anything else that would really go with each piece since most of them are just the same sculpts in different colors.

        There are many little detail questions people have about their dragons. You,yourself answered Dragon87 on a thread,when he asked about a peacock coloring and you answered him with the answer about the color of the jewel told what it was. These are the little things that
        collectors need and want to know. I know, this is what the forum is for,but most of the time I ask a question about something,I get weird answers,no answers,or people go off in another direction and the actual question gets by-passed. I ask forum members personally, and get some answers but for as many as I alone have,could bother them and I don’t want to bug anyone. THE main reason I joined a Forum on something I admired and wanted to learn more about, was to get answers and to learn about this particular product line.I am sure,I am not alone 🙂

        Hehe… I’m a she! I do remember asking that though (how much digging did you have to do to find that?) 😀

        I know I almost had forgotten about that answer way back when it was originally asked!


          That’s part of the problem…there is a lot of information here, but it’s hard to dig it all up. 😕

          For butt spirits, read this topic. http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1016&hilit=butt+spirit 😈


          Starbreeze, that link gives me an error message for some reason. o_O “No posts exist inside this topic for the selected time frame.” :shrug:


            Let’s see if this link works instead. “Rare dragon spirits”. That takes you to the thread, but takes out the key words that would be highlighted if you could follow Starbreeze’s link (which worked for me).


              Try this http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1016 Maybe the spirits are hiding!!! :twisted


                pegasi1978 wrote:

                Let’s see if this link works instead. “Rare dragon spirits”. That takes you to the thread, but takes out the key words that would be highlighted if you could follow Starbreeze’s link (which worked for me).

                Between the two of us, we’re gonna make it work!!! 😀


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  Let’s see if this link works instead. “Rare dragon spirits”. That takes you to the thread, but takes out the key words that would be highlighted if you could follow Starbreeze’s link (which worked for me).

                  Between the two of us, we’re gonna make it work!!! 😀

                  Ain’t that the truth! 😀


                    :hi: Sorry about the HE thing.I don’t know you,most of you,yet,no offense intended.But ya’ll did say to look for information on the dragons here and I’ve gone back farther than that.A lot of reading and subjects to weed through. :yes:

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                      On the Windstone forum, it’s actcually better to assume the person you are talking to is female rather than male. Somewhere in the community section (I think) is a poll thread asking if you are a male or a female. The males are seriously out numbered to say the least.

                      I’d look for it, but the left button on my mouse just broke and it’s really hard to click right now. I can’t remember if I have my old mouse that this optical one replaced or not. 🙄 This is really gonna suck for a while.

                      ETA: Thank goodness for being a semi-pack rat. I had two other mouse options sitting in the closet in a ziploc bag. One is a ergonomic-type mouse and the other’s the old fashioned one without a trackwheel between the buttons. Rignt now I’ve using the ergo one with plans on getting a new optical ASAP. Works for me because I needed to get a few things at Wal-Mart anyway.

                      ETA Again: Found the poll! Now here’s hoping it’s still open.


                      bodine6127 wrote:

                      :hi: Sorry about the HE thing.I don’t know you,most of you,yet,no offense intended.But ya’ll did say to look for information on the dragons here and I’ve gone back farther than that.A lot of reading and subjects to weed through. :yes:

                      Takes more then that to insult me! 😀 Just figured I’d correct ya.


                        Dragon87 wrote:

                        bodine6127 wrote:

                        :hi: Sorry about the HE thing.I don’t know you,most of you,yet,no offense intended.But ya’ll did say to look for information on the dragons here and I’ve gone back farther than that.A lot of reading and subjects to weed through. :yes:

                        Takes more then that to insult me! 😀 Just figured I’d correct ya.

                        :hi: No insult intended to say the least 8)

                        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                        Thanks for all your help you guys. :} I’m not having any luck with this, such seems to be the nature of my interactions with technology!

                        It’s alright, I’m sure at some point I’ll be able to figure out what, exactly, a butt-spirit is. The naturalist in me is excited to find out. X}


                          Penumbra wrote:

                          Thanks for all your help you guys. :} I’m not having any luck with this, such seems to be the nature of my interactions with technology!

                          It’s alright, I’m sure at some point I’ll be able to figure out what, exactly, a butt-spirit is. The naturalist in me is dying to find out. X}
                          Basic jist of the joke was there was a seller on ebay at one point selling an item (an old vase) and they went on and on about the “dragon spirits” inhabiting it. They used pictures of a windstone rainbow dragon to represent one of the spirits.

                          Frozendragon chimed in at one point joking:

                          frozendragon wrote:

                          UM…..I found this thread very entertaining…..

                          I think I have a dragon spirit in my bum….let me go put it on ebay really quick….. 😆 😆 😆

                          And the thread went on from there. That basically sums up the butt-spirit joke that runs through the forum occasionally. Aw heck, I’ll bump it so you can read for yourself. Look for the Rare Dragon Spirits thread in the General Windstone section of the forum.

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