rainbow young

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      :hi: I have looked around and asked some members of the Forum, and info. on this little treasure is scarce.Astral castle doesn’t have him listed either. He was a gift to me in 2005,Christmas.He is tagged and in perfect condition.Is there something special about these little guys that not many people seem to know much about them?Thanx :scratch:

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


          bodine6127 wrote:

          :hi: I have looked around and asked some members of the Forum, and info. on this little treasure is scarce.Astral castle doesn’t have him listed either. He was a gift to me in 2005,Christmas.He is tagged and in perfect condition.Is there something special about these little guys that not many people seem to know much about them?Thanx :scratch:

          The rainbow young? He was regular production and is now retired along with the rest of the rainbow line. I used to have one but ended up trading him or selling him for something.


            bodine6127 wrote:

            :hi: I have looked around and asked some members of the Forum, and info. on this little treasure is scarce.Astral castle doesn’t have him listed either. He was a gift to me in 2005,Christmas.He is tagged and in perfect condition.Is there something special about these little guys that not many people seem to know much about them?Thanx :scratch:

            Um no, the young dragon in rainbow is listed in Astral Castle’s Windstone Encyclopedia.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              bodine6127 wrote:

              :hi: I have looked around and asked some members of the Forum, and info. on this little treasure is scarce.Astral castle doesn’t have him listed either. He was a gift to me in 2005,Christmas.He is tagged and in perfect condition.Is there something special about these little guys that not many people seem to know much about them?Thanx :scratch:

              Um no, the young dragon in rainbow is listed in Astral Castle’s Windstone Encyclopedia.

              Ooopps!me bad.I know he is retired and I’m looking for a little more detail in the piece,that’s all. 8) I am very interested in all of the sculpts,so, I’m digging for as much info. on them as I can find.We ought to get something going and commish some one to gather as much accurate information on all the Windstones as possible and make a wonderful catalog,maybe a series of them,with photos and interesting facts about them.I nominate WindstoneCollector 😈 {don’t be mad 😈 }.Or maybe get a few of you collectors together. It would be interesting,beautiful and it wouldn’t hurt the sells any either.I would pay for a monthly small magazine or a nice big catalog,with say,so many pieces highlighted per issue? Private collections and Windstone Specials?
              {pulling your hair out}type of undertaking. Any takers? Some of you have unbelievable collections and I,personally,would love to have pics of them. I can drool can’t I?? :shrug:

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                bodine6127 wrote:

                Ooopps!me bad.I know he is retired and I’m looking for a little more detail in the piece,that’s all. 8) I am very interested in all of the sculpts,so, I’m digging for as much info. on them as I can find.We ought to get something going and commish some one to gather as much accurate information on all the Windstones as possible and make a wonderful catalog,maybe a series of them,with photos and interesting facts about them.I nominate WindstoneCollector 😈 {don’t be mad 😈 }.Or maybe get a few of you collectors together. It would be interesting,beautiful and it wouldn’t hurt the sells any either.I would pay for a monthly small magazine or a nice big catalog,with say,so many pieces highlighted per issue? Private collections and Windstone Specials?
                {pulling your hair out}type of undertaking. Any takers? Some of you have unbelievable collections and I,personally,would love to have pics of them. I can drool can’t I?? :shrug:

                Windstone has talked about putting a coffee table book (with most of the sculpts in the different colors) together, but it is something that will have to wait until things have settled down some more after the move. What more would you want to know about a piece other than when it was first produced, when it was retired and possibly average resale value? Because I can’t think of anything else that would really go with each piece since most of them are just the same sculpts in different colors.


                  You are right,but there are some fantastic pieces out there and what a great addition it would be for the collectors.There is such a variety of beauty here. The sculpts are just so many but the color variations are unbelievable. Some scuplts look great in one color but not as good as in another color. Some folks,like myself,like all the variety of colors.If I had my way,I would like to see every sculpt in every color in a book to admire when ever I want.Sure couldn’t afford the scupts but does that mean we aren’t interested in seeing and learning about them? I am interested in the Windstone company,their history,the inspirations of it all,etc. To me there is more to collecting something I admire than just having a scuplt to look at.This is more on the lines of what I ment and as a collector myself of different things,I think it is pretty cool to have a guide or catalog or whatever that goes along with any particular collection you may have.When you have a conversation with people about your collections,don’t you want to know what you are talking about? I wish to insure my things and I want to know as much about these scuplts as possible.If you don’t ask,how will you learn? 🙂

                  Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                  (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                  Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                  bodine6127 wrote:

                  I nominate WindstoneCollector 😈 {don’t be mad 😈 }.Or maybe get a few of you collectors together. It would be interesting,beautiful and it wouldn’t hurt the sells any either.I would pay for a monthly small magazine or a nice big catalog,with say,so many pieces highlighted per issue? Private collections and Windstone Specials?
                  {pulling your hair out}type of undertaking. Any takers? Some of you have unbelievable collections and I,personally,would love to have pics of them. I can drool can’t I?? :shrug:

                  **Gulp** Um…It would take alot more information than I have…I know more about retireds now than the “special” artist pieces out there… 😮
                  Hair pulling yes…I’m talking about bald here! XD
                  But, it would be crazy to finally have a magazine type catalog to go by with all those special little pieces in it. But you would never know an accurate count of each piece produced in each color for it to fit a collectors guide really. Unless Windstone has that paperwork stashed somewhere. 😕 But it would be a very interesting job to have keeping it all up. Perhaps even fun. I enjoy what I do when I get time. (Thank goodness the PYO’s are out of stock! I finally have time to sort through the mounds of papers and notes I have been jotting down.) :shout:


                    WindstoneCollector wrote:

                    bodine6127 wrote:

                    I nominate WindstoneCollector 😈 {don’t be mad 😈 }.Or maybe get a few of you collectors together. It would be interesting,beautiful and it wouldn’t hurt the sells any either.I would pay for a monthly small magazine or a nice big catalog,with say,so many pieces highlighted per issue? Private collections and Windstone Specials?
                    {pulling your hair out}type of undertaking. Any takers? Some of you have unbelievable collections and I,personally,would love to have pics of them. I can drool can’t I?? :shrug:

                    **Gulp** Um…It would take alot more information than I have…I know more about retireds now than the “special” artist pieces out there… 😮
                    Hair pulling yes…I’m talking about bald here! XD
                    But, it would be crazy to finally have a magazine type catalog to go by with all those special little pieces in it. But you would never know an accurate count of each piece produced in each color for it to fit a collectors guide really. Unless Windstone has that paperwork stashed somewhere. 😕 But it would be a very interesting job to have keeping it all up. Perhaps even fun. I enjoy what I do when I get time. (Thank goodness the PYO’s are out of stock! I finally have time to sort through the mounds of papers and notes I have been jotting down.) :shout:
                    BLESS YOUR HEART 😀

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      bodine6127 wrote:

                      Ooopps!me bad.I know he is retired and I’m looking for a little more detail in the piece,that’s all. 8) I am very interested in all of the sculpts,so, I’m digging for as much info. on them as I can find.We ought to get something going and commish some one to gather as much accurate information on all the Windstones as possible and make a wonderful catalog,maybe a series of them,with photos and interesting facts about them.I nominate WindstoneCollector 😈 {don’t be mad 😈 }.Or maybe get a few of you collectors together. It would be interesting,beautiful and it wouldn’t hurt the sells any either.I would pay for a monthly small magazine or a nice big catalog,with say,so many pieces highlighted per issue? Private collections and Windstone Specials?
                      {pulling your hair out}type of undertaking. Any takers? Some of you have unbelievable collections and I,personally,would love to have pics of them. I can drool can’t I?? :shrug:

                      Windstone has talked about putting a coffee table book (with most of the sculpts in the different colors) together, but it is something that will have to wait until things have settled down some more after the move. What more would you want to know about a piece other than when it was first produced, when it was retired and possibly average resale value? Because I can’t think of anything else that would really go with each piece since most of them are just the same sculpts in different colors.

                      There are many little detail questions people have about their dragons. You,yourself answered Dragon87 on a thread,when he asked about a peacock coloring and you answered him with the answer about the color of the jewel told what it was. These are the little things that
                      collectors need and want to know. I know, this is what the forum is for,but most of the time I ask a question about something,I get weird answers,no answers,or people go off in another direction and the actual question gets by-passed. I ask forum members personally, and get some answers but for as many as I alone have,could bother them and I don’t want to bug anyone. THE main reason I joined a Forum on something I admired and wanted to learn more about, was to get answers and to learn about this particular product line.I am sure,I am not alone 🙂

                      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                        Schiffer Books for Collectors is looking for people to write about collectibles…

                        Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
                        4880 Lower Valley Road
                        Atglen, PA 19310

                        Phone: (610) 593-1777

                        email: Schifferbk@aol.com


                        I don’t have enough knowledge yet to write about Windstones – but I agree that we ‘fanatics’ need a book, catalog, etc. about our favorite obsession… 😀

                        twindragonsmum 😀



                          bodine6127 wrote:

                          There are many little detail questions people have about their dragons. You,yourself answered Dragon87 on a thread,when he asked about a peacock coloring and you answered him with the answer about the color of the jewel told what it was. These are the little things that collectors need and want to know. I know, this is what the forum is for,but most of the time I ask a question about something,I get weird answers,no answers,or people go off in another direction and the actual question gets by-passed. I ask forum members personally, and get some answers but for as many as I alone have,could bother them and I don’t want to bug anyone. THE main reason I joined a Forum on something I admired and wanted to learn more about, was to get answers and to learn about this particular product line.I am sure,I am not alone 🙂

                          Don’t be shy about asking questions. That is what the forum is for. Often a question has already been asked in the past and one of us can find the link and post it, so anyone interested can visit that older topic. If not, someone usually comes up with an answer eventually.

                          Please don’t put off by weird answers or people going off in another direction. The vast majority of our topics end up going off on tangents. While that can be frustrating to the person asking the question, it can be very humerous too. We’ve learned a lot about pink floaties, bug relationships, butt spirits and all kinds of fascinating things from the tangent discussions. We just like to be silly and have fun sometimes. XD

                          But, don’t be afraid to gently bring us back on topic either. It happens all the time. :yes:

                          Hey, the forum won’t let me use the p _ _ n word anymore. It keeps substituting “joke photography”. :scratch:


                            I would like to have sculptor and painter’s notes for each piece…what inspired each, how they were decided on…ect..


                            starbreeze wrote:

                            Hey, the forum won’t let me use the p _ _ n word anymore. It keeps substituting “joke photography”. :scratch:

                            Well, that stinks…NirvanaCat is gonna be brokenhearted if she finds out! XD
                            Where is she again? It’s been a while since I saw anything she’s posted. :scratch:
                            Speaking of spirits…Where is Frozen on this topic? 😆


                              starbreeze wrote:

                              bodine6127 wrote:

                              There are many little detail questions people have about their dragons. You,yourself answered Dragon87 on a thread,when he asked about a peacock coloring and you answered him with the answer about the color of the jewel told what it was. These are the little things that collectors need and want to know. I know, this is what the forum is for,but most of the time I ask a question about something,I get weird answers,no answers,or people go off in another direction and the actual question gets by-passed. I ask forum members personally, and get some answers but for as many as I alone have,could bother them and I don’t want to bug anyone. THE main reason I joined a Forum on something I admired and wanted to learn more about, was to get answers and to learn about this particular product line.I am sure,I am not alone 🙂

                              Don’t be shy about asking questions. That is what the forum is for. Often a question has already been asked in the past and one of us can find the link and post it, so anyone interested can visit that older topic. If not, someone usually comes up with an answer eventually.

                              Please don’t put off by weird answers or people going off in another direction. The vast majority of our topics end up going off on tangents. While that can be frustrating to the person asking the question, it can be very humerous too. We’ve learned a lot about pink floaties, bug relationships, butt spirits and all kinds of fascinating things from the tangent discussions. We just like to be silly and have fun sometimes. XD

                              But, don’t be afraid to gently bring us back on topic either. It happens all the time. :yes:

                              Hey, the forum won’t let me use the p _ _ n word anymore. It keeps substituting “joke photography”. :scratch:

                              Butt Spirits? :scratch:

                              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.

                            Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)
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