Rainbow Scratcher w/ 14 different eye colors – image heavy

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      I vote for dichroic (sp?) something!

      What? That’s not a choice? <.<

      Just kidding. It’s a tough call. e.e If the green was a different green, I might vote for that…but, I think I’d choose straw or purple for now.


      Straw! definaely not light yellow, the first one is gross! 😕


        Griffiness wrote:

        Straw! definaely not light yellow, the first one is gross! 😕

        Straw is the same as light yellow.


        Why on earth does blue have the most votes? 😯


          Because it looks the best. 😀


            I voted blue to make them match the already existent rainbows.

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              While I suppose an eye color to match the other rainbows does make sense, I am so tired of blue. Red, straw or lavender would’ve been a nice change. 😕


                starbreeze wrote:

                While I suppose an eye color to match the other rainbows does make sense, I am so tired of blue. Red, straw or lavender would’ve been a nice change. 😕

                😆 I’m just as tired of red. It’s in Emerald Dragons, Gold Dragons and the Violet Flame fledgie and curl.


                  Light blue eyes are overkill- but the rainbows are the only place we’ve seen the royal ones. And it’s the royal blue I like with them.


                  Yep, I agree with the 2 above. Red eyes on dragons are serious overkill at this point. And light blue on all sculpts have jumped the shark for me. If you need to use blue (dont get me wrong, I love blue, especially when on black), change it to the middle shade of blue like the Striped version of the tan Griffin had. I guess, Medium Blue (not royal or light).

                  Plus, Id have liked to have voted GREEN if this presentation of green wasnt so yellow. My PYO Keeper came with the PERFECT shade of deep green eyes. Remember, no dragons have green eyes yet and it’s high time! Maybe not for the Rainbows, but some color scheme should be created with deep green eyes (see PYO color) for production dragons.


                    When I created the mock ups I used the exsisting PYO eyes from the PYO Eyes and Jewels page and it only had the one shade of green you see here. If the new deep green eyes they are offereing on the Keepers had been there I would have included it as well.


                      I would prefer that any new rainbows match the rest of the family. I would like one with red eyes, too, but as a special piece…


                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      When I created the mock ups I used the exsisting PYO eyes from the PYO Eyes and Jewels page and it only had the one shade of green you see here. If the new deep green eyes they are offereing on the Keepers had been there I would have included it as well.

                      I know 😀 But after going through all the trouble you did creating the pieces for us to vote on, Id have also PSed in other colors like you did the dark purple. But I know those dark green PYO eyes were not available for you to use. No worries!


                        Well, I was hoping for red eyes in the Scratcher. Melody will probably go with the blue to match the rest of the family… which does make the most sense I guess. Also, NC will always have the special one with the red eyes.


                        Red looks better than blue in the rainbows, and purple looks best of all, because yeah, there’s quite a bit of red floating around already.

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