Rainbow mother and fledge, black gold scratcher, ruby lap…

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Rainbow mother and fledge, black gold scratcher, ruby lap…

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  • #694668

    Taking offers through to raise vacation money. Due to people backing out after making payment arrangements I will no longer hold an item more than 24 hours to wait for payment if it’s via paypal or 72 hours if it’s a money order/check.

    Rainbow Mother dragon starting offer $120 mint condition

    Black Gold Scratcher would like $185/obo. Mint with box and tag. Current offer $155. Mint condition

    Rainbow fledge- starting offer $75 current offer $75. Mint with tag.

    Emerald Cat Wizard (siamese) starting offer $150. Has small chip on underside I just found. You can’t see it when he’s sitting on display. He has his tag. current offer $185 Currently on e-bay!

    Emerald hatching emperor. $165. Mint with tag and box. Available again, had someone change their mind.

    Ruby lap mint with tag and box. $191/obo. Would prefer to trade for a lap of a different color but would sell.

    Camera- Kodak Easyshare C330 takes double A batteries and a normal memory card.
    Here’s a site with some specs on the camera. Probably only good for a novice or beginner. It doesn’t come with a printer. Asking $65/obo.

    Please PM or e-mail either is fine. Shipping can be USPS priority, parcel post, or UPS whatever you’d prefer. I’m also very open to trades! 😀





    Would it be possible to see some pictures, please?


    Sigh… oh how Id LOVE that Emerald Siamese Cat Wizard so desperately. Usually Id be able to afford your starting price but my air conditioning (in FL) has broken and Im staring down the nose of a steep bill to replace something since it got so bad they cant repair it.

    All I have for trade is a brand new only out of box for photos Ruby Young Dragon and a Stone Wizard Cat with cauldron for incense cones AND the electric lamp and cord to go in the back should you choose not to use a votive. The cone holder is all cleaned and was used maybe once or twice and the piece itself has no flaws at all that I can see.

    But youre probably not interested in those pieces as trades (or both those pieces for your Emerald Siam Cat Wizard).



    Hi! I would take the cat candle holder as a partial trade. I don’t really collect the young dragons sorry 🙁 As far as pictures I’ll get some asap.

    I also reserve the right to pull these if I don’t get a reasonable offer- such as the peacock spectral is starting at $100 but I really need to get a bit more than that. I’m hoping to get average prices from the ravnheart database


      Just curious if you have accepted any offers for these items yet..



      Nope no accepted offers yet. I am pretty sure though I’m going to be working out a trade on the black gold lap


      If you can post some pics I might be interested in some of your pieces. 🙂 Sorry to be such a stickler, but I don’t like to buy something I can’t see the picture to.


      Hi! I don’t have a camera right now but went and picked one out today I’m just waiting for it to go on sale, the sales lady thought it might be in tomorrow’s ad so if it is I will get pics asap. Otherwise I can see about borrowing my mom’s again 🙂


      Thanks! I’m really tempted on one of your pieces… 8)


      Bump for pictures 🙂


      Emerald hatching emperor listed to e-bay:


      Keep an eye on this thread if you were interested in the emerald cat wizard. The sale of him may not go through and he may be relisted to e-bay.

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