
Rainbow mom and hatcher MIB for sale! PG 7!

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Rainbow mom and hatcher MIB for sale! PG 7!

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  • #624145

    I’ve got mine already… But you shouldn’t have a problem selling him.


      hmm tempting but
      i can get a momma griffy and 3 chicks for that Oo wich is also tempting ….. except had to buy a new car last week so it’s out of range lol Good luck SKI i really would if i had the $$ free but for a change i dun


        Thank you! I am sure someone will want him eventually. If not, its no real hardship to keep him. I do like the sculpt and he will increase in value since they are not making any more white ones. 🙂


          If he is still around come December, maybe I’ll go for him. 🙂 I’ve got a Tabby Tiger and an airline ticket to pay for first…


          Ugh! 😡 All the good stuff comes up after I cave and buy a big batch of LP’s!! 😆
          (It’ll be interesting to see who comes up with the money first since we are all trying to keep up with Griffins and chicks and poads and special ebay items. 😯 )


          Sending you a PM!


            I have a rainbow mom and hatcher, both MIB. Make offers. 🙂

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