Rainbow and Emerald peacock

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      Does anyone have an EP yet? How similar are they to rainbows? Grandio just got in pics of the EP mother, and she looks VERY similar to the rainbow (as in, almost identical–the rainbow’s colors are just stronger/darker).

      EDIT: Bah, stupid links! Oh well…



          I posted pitures in the topic new colors and I think Emerald also has them on her web site. They look closer to the peacock on the lap dragon only with emerald green. They are stunning in person, very vibrant color


            I’ve not seen one in person (just going of web images), but a big give away between rainbow and emerald peacock is that rainbows have red on them and emerald peacocks don’t.

            Oh and your links didn’t work right.


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            I’ve not seen one in person (just going of web images), but a big give away between rainbow and emerald peacock is that rainbows have red on them and emerald peacocks don’t.

            Oh and your links didn’t work right.

            LOL my Male Dragon has pink rather than red but i think that part of the color spectrum is indeed missing from the emerald peacocks 😀


              I do have pictures of the actual ones I got in on my Website. They are a lot like the Peacock, but with more green. They are very vibrant and pretty. Rainbow is all the rainbow colors and metallic-like with the gold quantity. The new Em. Pea. don’t have much gold. Take a look:


              If you click on the picture, you will get to see a bigger picture.


                I thought they looked very similiar to the rainbiow and peacock when I saw them in perosn


                  They are VERY BRIGHT


                  Side by side they look very different, and they pop a lot more than the Rainbows and Peacocks.


                  vantid wrote:

                  Side by side they look very different, and they pop a lot more than the Rainbows and Peacocks.

                  Snap crackle pop 😆


                  Clang them together and and they certainly snap, crackle, and pop.


                  Into dust eventually.


                    vantid wrote:

                    Clang them together and and they certainly snap, crackle, and pop.



                    lamortefille wrote:

                    vantid wrote:

                    Clang them together and and they certainly snap, crackle, and pop.


                    You haven’t seen the trashcans around here. >:}


                    Hmm, that gives me an idea. What if you were to put something in the trash cans to make it a sculpture. You could call them the trash can dragon. 😆

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