Rain Forest emp

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  • #504851
    Fritochick (Mary)

      Wow–very pretty, a little tooo busy for my taste. Was wondering the green shades are wonderfull. How about a new JUST GREEN shaded dragon???


        Rain Forest Emp?Where? I LOVE the LAP!!Have her on a tshirt from a member here and I am wearing it out! 😀

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.

        Danzig Moon (Karen)

          :bigsmile: EBAY….WOW!!!! He is so handsome!!!! 😉

          *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


            Awe he is a real beauty. I just love him. Reminds me of the Rainbows everyone thought they were to colorful but then everyone wanted them and still do.

            I for one just love Olimpias work so glad to see her back.



              He is gorgeous!

              Wampus Dragon

                Not a fan of the rainforest scheme so I’m sitting this one out. I do agree that it would be nice to see more ‘mostly green’ color schemes though. The green is the only color I like about this guy.


                  The emp is old stock, painted a year or two ago when Olimpia came to visit.


                    I agree with the other green lovers. I love the emp sculpt and the green, but the red and blue throws it off for me.

                    Now, if it were an emp done in the colors of the serpentine curlie, then I’d be bidding to win.


                      I LOVE him! Hes perfect just the way he is :love: It would be great to see a “green” emperor. Something yellow and green maybe? Similar to Spring Green Gold? like a “lemon lime” color.


                        I LOVE him! Hes perfect just the way he is :love: It would be great to see a “green” emperor. Something yellow and green maybe? Similar to Spring Green Gold? like a “lemon lime” color.

                        Or gold emerald/summer green like these, perhaps? (jackid55’s pic)

                        Seriously, this color scheme needs to make a comeback.


                          i think the rainforest emp looks nothing like the lap… but I agree that green forest color needs to be a lp or production, or at least something similar

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