Raffle Rules, and how to enter

Home Forums Windstone Editions Raffles Raffle Rules, and how to enter

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      What is a Windstone Raffle?

          • Melody has been generous enough to offer raffles for special, unique, or quirky Windstones! Generally she has done these about once per month, but since they are essentially free give-a-ways, they can happen on her whim… they may stop at any time.
          • Windstone raffles are completely free, and the only requirement to enter is that you are a

        registered Windstone forum member


      What is the current prize?

      Check this forum, “Raffles” to see.

      How do I enter?

      1. Send Melody an EMAIL to reptangle2@gmail.com  (new email includes “2” as of October 2018 – the previous email with a “1” no longer works)
      2. The “Subject” line of the email must include the current MONTH and YEAR and the word “RAFFLE“.
      3. In the body of your email, clearly state your FORUM NAME, your REAL, LEGAL NAME, and your physical MAILING ADDRESS (in case you win).
        REMEMBER: You need to enter EACH raffle that you want to participate in. That means every time a new piece is going up for raffle, you must again email Melody with your information. You must enter each raffle individually!
        Do not “PM” Melody, but email her directly with your entry information.

      Can I enter the raffle again if I win?
      No. If you win you get to sit and watch the rest of the raffles with your prize sitting next to you! But If you give it away to someone else who wants it more than you, or sell it and donate the proceeds to charity (such as a needy forum member or charity group, e.g. an animal rescue, etc) you may re-enter future raffles.

      Can I sell my raffle piece if I win?
      Yes, as long as you sell it under no false pretenses (e.g. you shouldn’t say you paid a lot of money for it, since you won it!)
      If you sell for profit it you may not enter any more raffles.
      Charity begets charity, but profit begets sitting on the sidelines for other raffles!

      Can I enter again if I don’t win?
      Yes! You can enter for as long as raffles are being held- as long as you have not won a prior raffle.

      What if someone won a piece I really want?
      Due to the public nature of raffle winner announcements, members may not directly contact raffle winners within one calendar year of their win to inquire about availability. Requests to buy/trade must, in this situation, be made as comment replies to the “Raffle Winner Announcement” thread on the forum, and must be kept to a singular, polite request, e.g. “Congratulations on your win! I really love this piece. If you ever decide to sell or trade in the future, I welcome your contact as I would be interested in buying/trading.”

      Other stuff:
      It is encouraged that you only enter raffles where you really like the prize. This makes things a bit more fair to those that really want to win the current prize. This also is to your benefit- if you win a prize that you don’t really like– that way you’re not stuck on the sidelines if something that really tickles your fancy comes along! This is just a suggestion though and not a ‘rule’.
      The rules are Melody’s and she can come here and change them whenever she needs to add or remove things.

      The raffles are 100% a product of Melody’s great personal generosity to Windstone collectors and are meant to be FUN! Please keep it fun and enjoyable for us all and please don’t abuse the raffles so that they are around for a long time yet to come!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


        Note:  Your “Forum Name” is your WindstoneEditions.com registered “User Name”.  In the old days we called those Forum Names and we haven’t got out of the habit!


          NOTE!!!   Melody has an email box just for her raffle entries!  It is reptangle2@gmail.com (the address contains the number 2 as shown here) .   Please send all raffle entries to this email address.  Put the month and year of the raffle you wish to enter in the subject line and in the body of the email include your Windstone registered user (a.k.a. forum) name, your real name, and your real address so that if you win, we can announce you by User name, and then ship the package to you without a hitch!  Thank you!

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