raffle prize for May 2010

Home Forums Windstone Editions Announcements raffle prize for May 2010

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  • #500801


        Azalea, the unicorn! http://www.windstoneeditions.com/drupal/node/108
        The blog page is a little confusing if you aren’t used to it-
        To see the whole blog entry and the image I have posted of the May raffle prize, click on the title of the blog “raffle prize for May 2010 ” next to the pink spiral thing.
        The blog page is being a little glitchy lately. Let me know if the image won’t show for you.
        To see older blogs, scroll down on the page to find other titles and click on them. The titles are all marked with the pink spiral.
        To see all the blogs we have posted, you’ll need to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click on the little numbers at the bottom . These old archived blogs will appear at the lower part of the page below a few of the newer blogs. This is kinda confusing, I think it is a glitch. I also noticed that this blog I just posted is also appearing again down below the older blogs, so they aren’t in chronological order! oy.

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