R.I.P. My Calvin 2001-2008

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      I’m very very sorry, asinnamon. I know how hard it is to lose a family member. It’s probably a good thing that your daughter is oblivious. I hope you and your hubby feel better soon. Calvin was a handsome cat.


        He looks almost EXACTLY like my oldest male cat!!


        I’m so sorry. I’m coming to everything late right now, my computer has been down for the count for the last three days. Oy!

        Anyway, he was a beautiful cat and I am so sorry you had to lose him so soon. *hugs* Your daughter will most likely notice he is gone soon and ask for him, but perhaps not. Alex has always taken the passing of a pet well, and he is 7. He is sad, but doesn’t break down. He does help with burial and even said some words at the last one we did for our ancient dog Sugar.

        Each person is different. I am sure when your little one realizes he is really gone, she will have some kind of reaction. Meanwhile, try to remember the good times and perhaps soon another kitty will come into your life and fill the hole a little.

        Many hugs!



          I am so sorry this happened to you especially at Christmas but it is very hard to lose a beloved pet at any time of the year


          Thanks for everyone’s well wishes, we appreciate it! The vet has been fantaastic too, I think they are as upset as we are. *sigh*

          I keep thinking about a new kitten, but it seems sorta disrespectful to Calvin…I dunno, maybe it’s silly to feel that way because a lively kittie would certainly help fill that void!


          Calvin was a handsome kitty (looks like one of my childhood kitties, Mothball), I’m so sorry for your loss… I think a good deal of us know what it’s like to lose a loved furkid.


            I’m sorry. 😥 But I don’t think a new kitty would be disrespectful to Calvin. Bring in a new baby, not to take his place, but to bring you joy in his absence.


              asinnamon wrote:

              Thanks for everyone’s well wishes, we appreciate it! The vet has been fantaastic too, I think they are as upset as we are. *sigh*

              I keep thinking about a new kitten, but it seems sorta disrespectful to Calvin…I dunno, maybe it’s silly to feel that way because a lively kittie would certainly help fill that void!
              I can understand the feelings BUT you gave him a GREAT life and it wsa jsut time for him to move on. It’s the down side of life.
              Think about how many kittens and cats are out there that end up getting dropped off at shelters and put to sleep everyday because someone decided they did not want them. You could be saving a life


                2Huberts wrote:

                I’m sorry. 😥 But I don’t think a new kitty would be disrespectful to Calvin. Bring in a new baby, not to take his place, but to bring you joy in his absence.



                  asinnamon wrote:

                  Thanks for everyone’s well wishes, we appreciate it! The vet has been fantaastic too, I think they are as upset as we are. *sigh*

                  I keep thinking about a new kitten, but it seems sorta disrespectful to Calvin…I dunno, maybe it’s silly to feel that way because a lively kittie would certainly help fill that void!

                  I felt that way when I lost Katie Boo too, but then I had a dream that she came to me and told me to get the little kitten I’d seen at the Humane Society. I went back the following Monday, and she was still there, so I got her. I’m very glad I did because she has helped soften the blow of losing Claire Marie when that happened soon after.

                  I ultimately think your pets want you to be happy, even after they are gone. When they are living they sit with you and purr and cuddle. They play with you. They comfort you when you are sad. But when they are gone, I think they would want you not to be alone. They would want you to be comforted (and maybe distracted) in your grief by a new love in your life. They know how much you love(d) them. And they love(d) you too. They will always be with you in spirit, in your heart, in your memories. It is not disrespecting them to be happy. If a new kitty will make you happy, you should get one. They will understand.


                  Asinnamon, there’s nothing wrong with wanting a new pet. I don’t think Calvin will hold it against you, and a new kitten will definitely help fill the void.

                  Emerald, I’m glad you got a new kitty! I didn’t know you lost Claire Marie too.


                    Yeah she lost both VERY close together


                    emerald212 wrote:

                    asinnamon wrote:

                    Thanks for everyone’s well wishes, we appreciate it! The vet has been fantaastic too, I think they are as upset as we are. *sigh*

                    I keep thinking about a new kitten, but it seems sorta disrespectful to Calvin…I dunno, maybe it’s silly to feel that way because a lively kittie would certainly help fill that void!

                    I felt that way when I lost Katie Boo too, but then I had a dream that she came to me and told me to get the little kitten I’d seen at the Humane Society. I went back the following Monday, and she was still there, so I got her. I’m very glad I did because she has helped soften the blow of losing Claire Marie when that happened soon after.

                    I ultimately think your pets want you to be happy, even after they are gone. When they are living they sit with you and purr and cuddle. They play with you. They comfort you when you are sad. But when they are gone, I think they would want you not to be alone. They would want you to be comforted (and maybe distracted) in your grief by a new love in your life. They know how much you love(d) them. And they love(d) you too. They will always be with you in spirit, in your heart, in your memories. It is not disrespecting them to be happy. If a new kitty will make you happy, you should get one. They will understand.

                    Oh emerald, I can’t even imagine what it must feel like for you! Thank you for your thoughts on our pets after they pass. You are right, having a little zippy kitten around would help soften the blow and bring a few smiles to our faces.

                    My hubby is burying Calvin’s body tomorrow, so then atleast we will have some closure and be able to start to heal. i always feel like the healing doesn’t start until the loved one is layed to rest…


                    Asinnamon I am so sorry to hear about Calvin. Ditto to whats already been said. I know you will mis him.





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