R F Male Dragon w/Blue Eyes on Ebay–offer for Forum Members

Home Forums Administration Flea Market R F Male Dragon w/Blue Eyes on Ebay–offer for Forum Members

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  • #496937


    Hi everyone–
    My blue-eyed red fire Male Dragon test paint #1 was put on Ebay yesterday with a reserve price of $350.00, and a BIN for $400.00, which is about what I paid for it, with shipping. Starting bid is $99.00, and I have no bids yet, but what I will offer to forum members is if you pm me, and there are still no bids yet, I will give you a BIN for $350.00 plus the shipping, because I really need to sell it ASAP. John permitted me to post the pictures from original auction, but they came out tiny on my ad, but the original auction number is on my ad, so you can still view all the original pictures since it has been less than 60 days since I bought it. Also, if anybody knows how to delete my old thread about taking bids for the RF Male dragon, would you please be so kind to do so, and if you could post larger pictures of him on this thread like the last one, I would be ever so grateful also. I just cannot work pictures on my computer at all! 😡 :squeak:


      *wishes to win the lottery*
      I SO would love to buy it. Good luck, and I hope it finds a good home soon for you.


      Also, if you received a 10% off coupon from Ebay which expires on Oct 30, you would be able to take $35.00 off of the price of him, if you have not already used your coupon.




        Wish you luck! I love that version of the Red Fire.

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