Quick packing tip

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        Hey all! I know it’s been recommended to pack/store our Windstones in the original plastic sleeve and then wrap in bubble wrap or paper. I’ve found that zip close freezer bags are as thick as the plastic sleeves, so I’ve put my scupts that are missing that into the bags and it’s working great! I’ve also tossed in a few of the little silica gel packs that come in shoe boxes to help keep the sculpts free of any moisture damage :yes:

        twindragonsmum 😀


          That’s really great to know, thanks!


            Great tip!!


            fabulous idea! will definitely do when needed…


            I’ve been doing that since I started collecting Windstones, as anyone who’s gotten a PYO from me can attest… they’re usually in Ziploc freezer bags (because I ALWAYS loose the sleeve! 😳 😆 )


              That’s a great tip. I’ve been needing some replacement bags. Someone once shipped an OW to me in a safeway plastic shopping bag and it worked surprisingly well. I don’t know how it would do with heat since i’ve been storing him indoors but its worked great for storage since i’ve gotten him


                NicoleH, just be careful with any shopping bags that have printing on them (“Thank you” or “Kroger” or “Target” etc, etc… ) as this printing likes to come off and adhere to smooth surfaces such as the finish on Windstones. 😮


                  Oh thanks for the tip Jennifer. I think he’s on the inside of the bag where there is no writing, but i’ll double check soon. He doesn’t have a thick coat of finish anyways but that’s good to know for my other pieces

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