question from Sean

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        Hi Melody, I really like your art work. I have a cat named Pixel and she is a little tabby. Do you paint cats to look like tabby kitties? Thank you. From Sean (twindragonsmum youngest twin – only I’m taller than Ethan 😀 )



        Good question Sean. We have a little Tabby cat too. Her name is Tsunami. I’d love to see a Tabby winged cat. :squeak:

        btw my youngest son is also named Ethan, but he is 6′ 1″ 😆

        Green **Grey


          twindragonsmum wrote:

          Hi Melody, I really like your art work. I have a cat named Pixel and she is a little tabby. Do you paint cats to look like tabby kitties? Thank you. From Sean (twindragonsmum youngest twin – only I’m taller than Ethan 😀 )

          Awww Pixel is a great name! Yes I have painted cats to look like tabby cats. I have done the large and small flapcat, and the old retired lying down cat that way.

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