question about this unicorn on eBay?

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    Hi, just wondering if this is okay here: “Windstone Mother UNICORN body for customizing”

    Is it forbidden to repaint the original sculpts?

    Just thought I’d ask just in case.

    Thank you!


      Errr….. Repainting Windstones is not a generaly acceptable practice…..It has been done in the past and there are special things that had to be done to the repainted piece. Windstone can’t *stop* anyone from repainting a Windstone, but to sell it on eBay like this one is posted I would think violates some rule or copyright law…..I’d run it by John (john at windstoneeditions dot com) and see what he says about it.

      Having been presented on eBay like that it just doesn’t seem kosher but that’s my gut feeling. Are you the one who put it up? Or was it something you found and were wondering about? Either way asking John is the best way to go.


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Errr….. Repainting Windstones is not a generaly acceptable practice…..It has been done in the past and there are special things that had to be done to the repainted piece. Windstone can’t *stop* anyone from repainting a Windstone, but to sell it on eBay like this one is posted I would think violates some rule or copyright law…..I’d run it by John (john at windstoneeditions dot com) and see what he says about it.

      Having been presented on eBay like that it just doesn’t seem kosher but that’s my gut feeling. Are you the one who put it up? Or was it something you found and were wondering about? Either way asking John is the best way to go.

      Hi Nirvanacat,

      thank you muchly for your reply!

      No I definitely did not list that. I just noticed it while searching for Windstones and it kind of rang a warning bell so thought I’d post it here on the forums to ask about.

      Okay, I’ll send John an email, good idea!

      Thank you again :).


        No prob!


        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        No prob!

        Thank you again, I just sent John an email to notify him :).

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