Question about the wolf PYOs

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    And while we’re on the subject of PYOs… I still hope to see the winged bookends released some day.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    And while we’re on the subject of PYOs… I still hope to see the winged bookends released some day.

    Yes, yes YES! 😀 😈 And those are mostly sculpted already too! 😀


      drag0nfeathers wrote:

      Melody? How about making Red eyed wolves, Like the Red eyed Uni on ebay??? By the way, do you think the Red eyed Unicorns will ever be available in the store?

      I’ve been nagging Melody about having all the eye color choices available for both unicorns and wolves (they’re not available in orange for these guys).

      I will therefore nag again 😀

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        I’d also love to see a sitting PYO wolf be released someday.


          Winged bookends? Where/what are those? They sound nice.


            keeper pyos! Squeeeeek! Sorry……I couldnt resist, and just had to put a squeek in. 😀


            Maplecarver wrote:

            Winged bookends? Where/what are those? They sound nice.

            Hope this works…


            Hopefully that’s the right image! 😳


              It is, thank you. That is glorious. Oooh, the variety of techniques and ideas that could be used with that!


              That’s for sure, Maplecarver. So much so that one could run out of book space due to having too many bookends on the shelves. 😆


                dragonmedley wrote:

                Actually, It would be neat to see the griffin in a pose similar to the current wolf pose.

                THIS! Oh yes, this!

                Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                  Tyrrlin wrote:

                  dragonmedley wrote:

                  Actually, It would be neat to see the griffin in a pose similar to the current wolf pose.

                  THIS! Oh yes, this!
                  I third this! (or fourth, or fifth)


                    drag0nfeathers wrote:

                    Melody? How about making Red eyed wolves, Like the Red eyed Uni on ebay??? By the way, do you think the Red eyed Unicorns will ever be available in the store?

                    We can’t do red eyed pyo wolves until we get a eye painting dept set up again. We don’t have any red eyes in the size that the wolf takes.


                      I’d also like the griff in a pose similar to the wolf’s current one. :} I’d definitely go for that.

                      Oh, and PYO bookends are still a fave squeak. <3 + the phoenix.


                        Melody wrote:

                        drag0nfeathers wrote:

                        Melody? How about making Red eyed wolves, Like the Red eyed Uni on ebay??? By the way, do you think the Red eyed Unicorns will ever be available in the store?

                        We can’t do red eyed pyo wolves until we get a eye painting dept set up again. We don’t have any red eyes in the size that the wolf takes.

                        Orange would be nice too for both Unicorns and wolves, when eye painting is set up again. *squeek* 😳


                          Does anyone know if there might be plans to release a PYO Flap Cat? I would love to have one (or several, actually), and it would be an added bonus to be able to paint it like some of my cats, especially ones who have passed on. Just curious..

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