
Question about out of stock items

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Question about out of stock items

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  • #503856

      I was wondering – I know there are a lot of things that people really want, like red panda flap cats or violet flame fledglings, that are still shown in the store, but are out of stock.

      Does the fact that they are still listed mean Melody is planning to make more? Or that she hasn’t discounted the idea, but isn’t sure she’ll do it? Or is it just a pain to take things off the store listing so it only happens periodically?

      It would be fabulous if there was some kind of indicator on the likelyhood of things ever coming back.

      “This will be restocked if we think we can sell at least 50”, “This would only get restocked if we find a new red paint that doesn’t suck,”, “Face it, we left this in the store because it’s a pretty picture – you’re never going to see one of these! Go try to bribe someone for theirs!”, “these will be back in stock in 1-2 weeks – once the production painters finish painting them and they are dry”.


        I think the main problem with this is that the folks at Windstone rarely know what is just around the corner in terms of what they’ll be making (other than production items), so there may not be any real answer!

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          …although it would be funny if they listed some of those as reasons XD

          Got a busted Windstone?
          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            I think the main problem with this is that the folks at Windstone rarely know what is just around the corner in terms of what they’ll be making (other than production items), so there may not be any real answer!

            Jennifer knows us…


              I like Kiya’s descriptive restocking likyhood indicators! Maybe we should use them!


                You’re welcome to them. 🙂 I’m sure I could come up with lots more… LOL




                  twindragonsmum *grin*


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