Question about flap authenticity

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      PhoenixTears wrote:

      In reviewing the auction, it only offered shipping via USPS Priority. That is what he charged me. Meanwhile 2 weeks later, he sends it First Class Priority which would have been $2.66. Id have appreciated saying “Im gonna be late sending this out,” which would have been fine but offering one shipping method, charging for it and then using a cheaper shipping method and pocketing the difference is irresponsible.

      USPS Priority mail and First Class Priority are the same thing. Did you mean Parcel Post (AkA SAM)? As for looking for validation, if you need it, mos def. The damage was more than disclosed in the auction and they overcharged you on shipping. Ask for a refund and return it, or ask for a discount. Whatever you would be happy with.


        The shape of the felt pad on your bat kitty exactly matches mine. Mine was purchased in 1989.


        Good luck with the seller, PhoenixTears. 😕


          He looks real to me. It’s the same sort of felt that windstone uses and I’ve never seen that type on anything else. It’s also cut to the bottom of the flapper. Just how much lighter is he? I know that there can be a slight (as in Milligrams) difference in pieces. Hopefully Melody can give you a better answer.

          Good luck with the seller PT!


          skigod377 wrote:

          PhoenixTears wrote:

          In reviewing the auction, it only offered shipping via USPS Priority. That is what he charged me. Meanwhile 2 weeks later, he sends it First Class Priority which would have been $2.66. Id have appreciated saying “Im gonna be late sending this out,” which would have been fine but offering one shipping method, charging for it and then using a cheaper shipping method and pocketing the difference is irresponsible.

          USPS Priority mail and First Class Priority are the same thing. Did you mean Parcel Post (AkA SAM)? As for looking for validation, if you need it, mos def. The damage was more than disclosed in the auction and they overcharged you on shipping. Ask for a refund and return it, or ask for a discount. Whatever you would be happy with.
          That was a typo on my part… I meant to say he sent it First Class Mail. Auction said and made me pay for USPS Priority- and he didnt send it that way. According the the postage, it was First Class Mail at 10 ounces. Looking it up on calculator from his zip to mine, is should have been $2.66, not the $13 I paid. He forced charged me $3 for insurance when it should have been $1.65 too.

          The gold on the claws of the wings isnt missing on just one; it’s missing on all of them. Not that I cant take care of that. The chips which I was not told about (and the fact he only said there is ONLY fleabites to the nose area) is what is misrepresented (not to mention shipping scam).

          Seller contacted me saying she is sick (well, I handle my ebay responsibilities too and how come anytime a buyer (not just me as I hardly ever do it) brings up queries after receiving a piece, everyone is conveniently sick… like Im not?! Good grief). Still, that not withstanding, it was misrepresented and seller and I are in negotiations for partial refund. If she does that (especially on postage), I will not leave her negative feedback (I hate doing that). She IS a nice person.

          I told her it’s been discussed and considered authentic. And being that I needed a broken down one anyway, I’ll keep it so I told her it’s in repair. However, I wouldnt want to have paid that, for THIS kind of damage is my point. I was expecting just flea bites on nose to fix and that would be my display piece. But instead, this is the broken down one that Im doing something with, and I have to yet again, fight for another flapper and probably pay just as much if not more. The current one running is also a lot of shipping via UPS ($13 again for me). That shipping they did to me just chafes my hide. In my auctions I have ALWAYS stated that if there was any shipping overage, that I would refund it as soon as I was notified- that buyer should only pay ACTUAL shipping.

          Dont offer ONLY a USPS Priority shipping method, then force the buyer to pay it and wait 2 weeks before you even get it in the mail, AND then send it First Class Mail which is MUCH less money and pocket the difference. Thats dishonest.

          Sorry Im venting to you guys but being an honest person myself, I take it very personally when I dont receive it from others. I know, “Buyer Beware,” but I had good communication with seller prior, and she had assured me over and over that she had scanned ever inch of this piece and the only imperfections she saw was on the face. My 86 yr old stepfather could see the flaws immediately and he just had eye surgery! He cant even read right now but he could see the flaws without me telling him and without him knowing a thing about Windstones.

          Just between this piece and the Flion back some time ago that my sister got me that was also claimed to be mint (even in queries before bidding), eBay is just getting very disappointing. Then shipping in shoeboxes of another professed MINT piece which was scuffed up… Im just a bit frustrated at ppl’s negligence and ignorance. You dont have to be a collector to see these imperfections- seriously. They are VERY plain as day when viewing them.

          I’ll shut up now- Im just aggrivated and dont mean to take it out on you guys. I was just simply looking for a shoulder, a hug and some support. Thanks.




            Wow, despite how polite I was, didnt her personality do a 180! She is now telling me I am bound by contract to her shipping (she spoke nothing of any misrepresentation) and how she charges for “handling.” And that is was her husbands fault it didnt go out Priority since he doesnt know better. On her auction page, where she explains about shipping- it is blank.

            Apparently it was a fixed charge of $13 for USPS Priority (for a 10 oz package) that, according the shipping calculator between our zips, if it went Priority like auction promised (and didnt), it still only would have been $4.60 (and then the forced insurance of $3 which I questioned her about which she ignored) for a $32 item, would have brought it to $7.60 PRIORITY which is what auction said she would send out. Ppl usually choose priority (if they have a choice) in hopes of getting their item in a timely fashion. But sitting on the paid item for 2 weeks was also BS.

            Plus, it was sent to me First Class Mail which cost them, with $3 insurance, a total of $5.66. So glad that “handling” cost $7+ 🙄

            In the end, she is offering a small refund but will not cop to the fact that the item was not fully disclosed in condition, nor will she admit any fault in so far as shipping (both in sitting on it and sending using wrong shipping method already paid for). Now that Im talking to her and had questioned her, even though I was very polite (really, I was- non-threatening etc– Im more direct with you guys here cause Im venting), boy has she got a knack for twisting words around back on the buyer. I’ll never do business with her again.

            Sadly, I would still either leave her a neutral or negative feedback but if I did, she would nail my perfect score so she gets no feedback from me unless she slams me first. It’s too bad that other buyers cant be warned of such over charging on her shipping and to ask her to double inspect condition of items, without fear of getting a negative in retaliation. Though Ive never had to deal with this in the past when I actually used eBay, I knew I hated eBay for some reason. Well, lesson learned- never do business with *that* seller ever again!

            Thanks for listening. If she stays true to her word about a small refund, then you wont hear more from me. If she doesnt, my blood pressure will probably skyrocket so much, again, you probably wont hear from me cause I’ll have popped (seriously… I recently pulled a 199 over 144… how screwed is that).


              What a pill! Geez…that shipping and “handling” is ludicrous! Take care with your blood pressure though, a snot like her isn’t worth it hurting you.


                Yeah, really…watch your blood pressure. She isn’t worth it.


                She just told me the only way she’ll give me a partial refund is if I leave her positive feedback first.

                What would you do? I told her that, like she thinks Im holding FB over her head (despite my constantly saying Im NOT leaving her NEG FB 🙄 ), because of a recent seller who had ZERO communication w/ me and shipping statue in a shoebox, she retaliated when she got a neutral feedback. Meanwhile, I did nothing wrong in that transaction. I paid immediately and was trying to contact her many, many times and she NEVER once responded (and item was once again, said to be mint when it was all scuffed up). But damn if that neutral didnt get her attention so she did tit for tat and left me an unwarranted neutral as well = sour grapes.

                In this situation, after all that THIS flapper seller and I have gone through (she is through the roof, while I remain calm in my talks with her- not here), how am I supposed to trust that after I leave her +FB, that she will even go through with partial refund AND leave me +FB as well?

                I dont know what to do and this is SO stupid and petty, it’d driving me nuts. This is NOT my nature. Im so honest and patient with ppl; I never scream at anyone, etc. What kind of sick karma is this? It’s why I stay away from ebay even though I never had problems in the past (just heard horror stories). How can I trust a seller such as her to do as she says after she gets her feedback, when she ripped me on shipping and wasnt honest about condition of item? She hasnt exactly been the picture of honesty here.

                I dunno- if she holds me to this “you must leave me +FB first before you get any refund,” I may just tell her Im taking it straight to eBay since that is not a fair request- or drop it altogether since this stupid, stupid petty little thing in life, has really gotten me so freakin aggrivated, that Im actually short of breath. I cant believe this crap. Nothing ever gets to me (not things like this) but she is just pushing all my buttons. If one of you were in my position, Id have advice and support for you; but it’s hard to turn it in on yourself.

                I feel like crawling in a hole and staying away from everyone for a while.

                Again, sorry to vent. Thanks for being there you guys. Im having a bad few days.


                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  I dont know if this belongs in this forum on in Ask Melody. Did Siamese Bat Wing flappers ever come out with felt on the bottom that had NO logo and NO Windstone writing on it whatsoever? Just plan blank felt?

                  I received this item from eBay and something is telling me it is either extremely, VERY old, or is a fake. Felt isnt even cut to match the bottom of flapper like the other flappers have. The interference on the wings are not nearly as brilliant as every single other flapper Ive ever seen. Where there would be gold highlights like on the claws of the bat wings, there in no gold. The necklace quality is also very poor.

                  I havent taken pix yet but I want to contact the seller about this. She gave it a 9 out of 10 in perfection. BS! She said it only had a couple flea bites on face. True, but tail is missing paint as is the back wing and base when the Pena stamp is, and pretty much all over! Also there are serious chips out of the wings which she didnt note. It also looks as though the left ear was once shattered and some how repaired.

                  Well, as some of you know, I was looking for a broken down flapper, so I guess this will be the one. But now that means I am STILL on the hunt for a small Bat Winged Siamese flapper.

                  Yes, Im watching eBay but Ive been getting burned left and right (the last 4 pieces!) where ppl claim item is mint or excellent and I get it and tons of paint is missing and major chips they claim they never noticed. And Im not even looking close! They are just obvious to me.

                  So, any answer to fake flappers would be helpful- especially about the felt. Darn thing doesnt even have a sealant coat on it! That cat is a very early version of the flapcat when we were just starting to use the pads. It is probably a “second” and a test paint and a prototype that we gave to an employee, or friend. The reason I KNOW this one is real, and old, is that the stone in his collar has a green glint to it. The very very first purple stones we used had this color shift. I loved them, but Swarovski discontinued that stone color after the very fist samples we got, so only the first cats have them. Yes that cat is a mess, but a rare mess!


                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  She just told me the only way she’ll give me a partial refund is if I leave her positive feedback first.

                  What would you do? I told her that, like she thinks Im holding FB over her head (despite my constantly saying Im NOT leaving her NEG FB 🙄 ), because of a recent seller who had ZERO communication w/ me and shipping statue in a shoebox, she retaliated when she got a neutral feedback. Meanwhile, I did nothing wrong in that transaction. I paid immediately and was trying to contact her many, many times and she NEVER once responded (and item was once again, said to be mint when it was all scuffed up). But damn if that neutral didnt get her attention so she did tit for tat and left me an unwarranted neutral as well = sour grapes.

                  In this situation, after all that THIS flapper seller and I have gone through (she is through the roof, while I remain calm in my talks with her- not here), how am I supposed to trust that after I leave her +FB, that she will even go through with partial refund AND leave me +FB as well?

                  I dont know what to do and this is SO stupid and petty, it’d driving me nuts. This is NOT my nature. Im so honest and patient with ppl; I never scream at anyone, etc. What kind of sick karma is this? It’s why I stay away from ebay even though I never had problems in the past (just heard horror stories). How can I trust a seller such as her to do as she says after she gets her feedback, when she ripped me on shipping and wasnt honest about condition of item? She hasnt exactly been the picture of honesty here.

                  I dunno- if she holds me to this “you must leave me +FB first before you get any refund,” I may just tell her Im taking it straight to eBay since that is not a fair request- or drop it altogether since this stupid, stupid petty little thing in life, has really gotten me so freakin aggrivated, that Im actually short of breath. I cant believe this crap. Nothing ever gets to me (not things like this) but she is just pushing all my buttons. If one of you were in my position, Id have advice and support for you; but it’s hard to turn it in on yourself.

                  I feel like crawling in a hole and staying away from everyone for a while.

                  Again, sorry to vent. Thanks for being there you guys. Im having a bad few days.

                  Wow, she’s got some nerve! Why would you leave ANY feedback before everything had been resolved?? Even my nutjob bad-case from ebay didn’t ask for that, and had in fact already left me positive feedback, thank god. That person has NO RIGHT to ask you for feedback before you two have worked everything out, definitely report them to Ebay because that’s pure and simple blackmail, right there!

                  I’m sorry it worked out that way, having had my own case of seller hassle *big hugs* I know it can be completely maddening!


                    I agree with Sunhawk. Definately report this seller to ebay immediately. Holding your refund until you leave her underserved positive feedback is indeed blackmail.


                      Skylover wrote:

                      I agree with Sunhawk. Definately report this seller to ebay immediately. Holding your refund until you leave her underserved positive feedback is indeed blackmail.

                      I concur, this holding your refund is like asking for a bribe to get what you want. Contact Ebay customer service immediately. And I hope you’ve kept all your correspondence to document the case.


                        Melody wrote:

                        That cat is a very early version of the flapcat when we were just starting to use the pads. It is probably a “second” and a test paint and a prototype that we gave to an employee, or friend. The reason I KNOW this one is real, and old, is that the stone in his collar has a green glint to it. The very very first purple stones we used had this color shift. I loved them, but Swarovski discontinued that stone color after the very fist samples we got, so only the first cats have them. Yes that cat is a mess, but a rare mess!

                        Oh cool! That’s some good news for you, PT. 😀

                        My bat flapper has the purple/green stone, but my bird flapper has a plain purple one. One out of two ain’t bad. 😉

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