Quest 19 – Voting closed, results being calculated

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests Quest 19 – Voting closed, results being calculated

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  • #508176

      Quest 19 is now open for voting! Each active forum member may vote once for their favorite entry. The voting will be open for one week from now. After voting is complete and we’ve verified the winner, all the other entries will be entered into a random draw for a second prize.

      In the case of a tie, Windstone will select the winner.

      Good luck!


      Entry 1 –
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      Long Hair Paw Fuzzy

      This is a wild fuzzy group of 3.
      The wild fuzzes in our back yard appear to be a male, female and a child.
      They seem to sleep in the day time when it is hot and they get more active at night. The Long Hair Paw Fuzzy will eat anything including crayfish and cat-food that we keep out side for a few wild cats.
      They seem to interact with the wild cats and other animals in a non hostile manner.
      Some times when the birds, cats and other animal try to attack them. What the fuzzes do is to snap their tails at them to make them go away.


      Entry 2 –
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      Nerdy Fuzzy

      Nerdicus Phuzzicus

      Family: Phuzzicus- Love, Fuzzy!

      Description: Fuzzies come in many sizes, shapes, colors and textures. The Nerdy Fuzzy is distinctly marked by its large, oddly cube shaped eyes.

      Dimensions: Vary

      Range: Anywhere gaming books and supplies can be found.

      Discussion: These creatures are generally shy and hide in the nooks and cranies of rooms and bookcases. The pair in the picture were lured out of hiding by some seemingly abandoned chocolate left within their range. Notice the large eyes which so closely resemble the dice commonly found in the habitat these Fuzzies prefer.


      Entry 3 –
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      I managed to capture a photograph of the Greater Striped Day-Bat Fuzzy in the wilds of Beverly Hills! Contrary to popular belief, this elusive fuzzy is actually smaller in stature than its relative the Lesser Striped Day-Bat Fuzzy – it just has really great self esteem.

      It lives mostly in the many trees on expansive Beverly Hills estates – it rarely leaves it’s home territory because it needs to be close to its preferred food source – champagne. You can sometimes catch a glimpse of them flying around during brunch, swooping down to grab a sip of bubbly from an unwary diner’s champagne flute. It will occasionally also drink mimosas but only if they’re made with the good stuff.

      Unlike the human denizens of its habitat, the Greater Striped Day-Bat Fuzzy mates for life. They are very happy creatures, perhaps owing to their diet’s high alcohol content. If you listen very carefully on a perfect California morning you may hear their distinct mating call: “Cheers, Darling!”


      Entry 4 –
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      Pink Eyed Palm Panther

      These rare creatures are native to the jungles of Costa Rica, found high in the palm trees. They are small in size ranging from about 6-12 inches in length. They are most active at night and often hide in trees holes in the day where they sleep until sunset to protect them from predators. They are very curious and playful creatures. They live in small family units consisting of a male, female and young but are often seen socializing and playing with other palm panthers in the trees at night. Their pink eyes have a natural fluorescence so they glow at night allowing them to see other palm panthers, as well as spot the tropical fruit they eat high in the palm trees. They drink rainwater and dew off of palm leaves as well. They are referred to as panthers because of their furry cat like patterned coat that helps with camouflage. Their fur also has an oily coating that helps waterproof it and protect them from rain. They also have a unique call that sounds very cat like to attract mates. They have one mating season a year during the winter months and the females usually produce litters of 3-4 during the summer months. They are loyal to one mate through the year and sometimes more than one year. Their life span averages 4-6 years. These have increased in popularity for pets in recent years although they are best left to live in the wild.


      Entry 5 –
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      “Two-Tail Decorator Fuzzy”–

      This specie of fuzzy is found mostly along the shallow areas of a rocky coastline. Usually it stays buried under the sand, but when coming out to feed, it uses its flexible tails to place shells or bits of coral on its body to camouflage. The hair follicles on its back are sticky, which allows the fragments to stay in place.

      The Decorator Fuzzy eats mostly algae and seaweed. It can crawl itself up on to the rocks and stay there for hours while it eats. Mostly it stays underwater, but it has been seen coming out onto the beach in search for mates. Males attract females by placing the most vibrant colored shells on their bodies to make them stand out among other rivals.

      It is active during the day and sleeps buried in the sand at night. The tiny eyes of this fuzzy doesn’t allow it to have the best vision at night.


      Entry 6 –
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      Fridge Fuzzy

      Discovered- One night, after recently stocking the fridge with Chocolate milk, and chocolate bars (too hot to NOT keep the chocolate in the fridge), I entered the kitchen to find the fridge covered in Fuzzies !

      Description- Black, and upon closer examination, one will see that they are all covered in tiny sparkles which twinkle every color of the rainbow. They all seem to like insects, as each carries a butterfly or dragonfly on their back. These insects seem to be attracted to them as well, as you can see by the picture.

      Diet- Chocolate based, with their preference being for COLD or CHILLED cocoa containing foods.

      Reproduction- Was not observed first hand, but it is known they reproduce quickly. Their numbers on the fridge seemed to double overnight almost ! Very prolific.

      Sleeping Habits- Do not appear to actually sleep, as they never seem to close their eyes. They do seem less active during daylight hours, so this may be their time to rest between chocolate feedings.

      Special Attributes- These Fuzzies have the unique capability to attach themselves easily to any fridge. On a few occasions they have even been found INSIDE the fridge.

      It should also be mentioned they appear to “GUARD” the fridge, as many a chocolate seeker has entered the kitchen to only return empty handed. When questioned as to WHY they returned without any chocolate, they reply, with some confusion, that they had never went looking for chocolate in the first place.


      Entry 7 –
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      When I let the dog out one day I noticed something peculiar. Several pairs of bright orange eyes were staring back at me from an old stump. I walked over to investigate. I found a family of FUZZIES! A wild species with coats patterned like leopards right in my back yard. Their bright orange eyes the only color in their camouflaged bodies.

      I crept closer and noticed two types; large fuzzy ones and smaller non-fuzzy ones. I’m assuming these are adults and babies. Several very small ones stayed close to a larger one, possibly their mother. Another very large one seemed to be in charge, maybe the alpha male. The fuzzies made purring and squeaking sounds, a lot like my guinea pig. The larger one made a chattering noise when I got to close. I stepped back so not to frighten them.

      While the fuzzies sunned themselves I continued to study them. I noted that the baby ones had different size and eye color than the large fuzzy ones. The middle size ones were very rambunctious, always moving and very loud. Some fuzzies slept on the ground and others slept on the pinecones or the stump.

      Since the fuzzies seem to be a new species I decided to call them Fuzzy Leopardus. Mainly after their beautiful coats resembling leopards. I went inside to make dinner and when I came back out they had gone. They didn’t stay long, but I was able to get one picture.


      Entry 8 –
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      Windstone Editions Fuzzy Facts

      1-Name of new species:

      2a:Spotted in a family unit of five.Pop,Mom,Big Brother,Sis & Baby Bro.
      2b:They have short bright red fuzz with lovely multi-colored eyes.
      2c:Measure approximately 4″ to 6″ in length.
      2d:They all had big,happy smiles on their faces.
      2e:The female Fuzzyz had blue bows and scarves on and Pop was wearing a visor.

      3a:This particular breed reproduces much like Earthworms.
      3b:When conditions are right they split in two much like earthworms.
      3c:They grow very quickly into adulthood.

      4-Where Spotted/Activity:
      4a:They were spotted on the Ross Barnett Reservoir,Mississippi USA,.
      4b:They were in a big red boat that camouflaged them very well as they sped past me bouncing along on the waves.
      4c:They seemed to be having a happy,fun filled Summer day.
      4d:Fuzzyz love having fun.This was a very rare sighting indeed.

      5-Origin of Fuzzy:
      5a:They were believed to have been here on Earth for a very long time,possibly from the Tanglian Forest but unknown for sure.
      5b:They are fun loving,friendly with all Earth creatures.
      5c:All are benevolent.
      5d:They come in all shapes,colors,fuzzy hair lengths,different eyes and sizes.

      For more information on the Fuzzyz-they are listed in the Windstone Forum Phuzziology Department.


      Entry 9 –
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      Entry 10 –
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      Submitted for your approval is this previously unknown (to the best of my knowledge) member of the Fuzzy family: Phuzzy Geekius dragonconia.

      First encountered: Dragoncon 2014. We speculate this species breeds at Dragoncon and then searches for a host family with compatible interests (of the geek variety) with whom to spend the rest of its life.

      Identification: It can be easily differentiated from other Phuzzy species by both its smoother skin (which aids in cosplay) and its naturally occurring dragon “tattoo.”

      Preferred Habitat: Appears to be anything associated with Geek culture. Ours has no interest in the rest of the house, but confines herself to my daughters’ bedrooms, where she happily wanders from fandom to fandom.

      Diet: Her favorite food appears to be the edges of comic book pages, but since she takes such little bites (and never from the same page twice), no apparent damage is incurred.

      Sleep patterns: She tends to sleep buried in the piles of plush animals that each daughter still adores. And even when awake, she is never happier than when she is surrounded by “geekery”. She was insistent that she be photographed with all her current favorites.

      We look forward to attempting to coax another Geekius dragonconia to make their home with us so that she may have a companion in geekery. She gets lonely when the girls go back to college, but consoles herself with watching DVDs and reading fanfics online. How she operates the laptop is a mystery.


      Entry 11 –
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      Moss Back Fuzzy

      I haven’t learned a lot about this species because they can be quite tricky to observe. The largest one I’ve seen is about 8 inches in length . They all have lichen and moss type growth on there back like camouflage. And can change color like a chameleon to be greens or greys and browns, or even reds and yellows to match there surrounding environment. Before I first noticed them in my back yard I had moss growing all along the edge of my pond, for some reason a lot of the moss is gone now. And I see the moss backs at the edge of the pond quite often. So I believe that they might be eating the moss. Which could possibly explain how the moss grows from there backs. Here’s a photo I was lucky enough to get of some of them going to the pond presumably to eat or drink. But when the big one spotted me they all took off so I could only get just this one photo..


      Entry 12 –
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      Species name: Red-winged Draconian Fuzzy

      Appearance: They are black with ridges running down their backs. They have red bat-shaped wings with raised golden yellow spines on each fold and an ivory spike on either side of their tail near the tip. The young are born with a silvery sheen, which fades over time.
      Habits: They spend a lot of their time with their wings spread out, sunning, with occasional bouts of wing flapping. The young tests his new teeth on the crystals they collected for the nest, and has created a growing pile of shards. The mother stays over the two remaining eggs.
      Eating habits: In the wild they appeared to eat berries and seeds, but since capturing them they consistently ignore the food offered and instead steal and eat jelly beans.
      Sleeping habits: They take daily mid afternoon naps after their lunch, and sleep curled up in their rock nest. This usually lasts two to three hours.
      Nesting habits: They pick a largish rock to serve as the base for their nest and then carry smaller rocks over to create a rocky circle to lay their eggs in.
      Reproduction: The mother lays a clutch of two to three eggs, which have a stone-like appearance to blend into their nest so predators don’t find them. There seems to be no set color for the eggs, all three in the clutch were of differing colors.


      Entry 13 –
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      Doctor Fuzzystein’s Monsters

      Although often dismissed as a legend, the world famous Doctor Fuzzystein was successful in reanimating Fuzzies on at least two occasions. These reanimated Fuzzies, having been created by the bodies of deceased Fuzzies, are rarely seen and almost never photographed. They tend to wander around Fuzzy graveyards, perhaps yearning for rest, or because of some sort of rebellion of their many parts. They have no recorded favorite foods or particular eating habits, and they have never been observed sleeping, though they have been noted to stand still and stare longingly at the moon. These Fuzzy monsters are gentle and calm, and are often misunderstood due to their frightening appearance. They are solitary beyond keeping one another company, and will flee if approached by humans or other fuzzy breeds.


      Entry 14 –
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      The Flaxen Furred Fuzzy

      Found: Ocean beaches
      Facts: They are quite fastidious. They are fond of fossils but are frequently forgetful about where they found them. It is fabled that they are quite friendly and faithful to those that provide them with fancy confections. They also have a phobia of falsetto singing, which I find funny. They can become quite frisky during festivities involving photographs as well. This fuzzy is fun to watch when they flip and flop and they are phenomenal high-fivers. You will never be forlorn if one of these fuzzys becomes your friend. They will focus on you and find any excuse to fascinate. They also feed on French fries and other fried foods that you might find at a county fair. I feel fortunate to have found this fabulous fuzzy!


      Entry 15 –
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      Status: Extinct. Existed during the late Pleistocene epoch, primarily during the Quaternary glaciation, to the early Holocene.
      Distribution and habitat: Northern hemisphere, ranging across Central and Northern Europe, Asia, and North America. Specimens have been primarily found alongside woolly mammoth, mastodon, musk ox, and woolly rhinceros fossils of the same time period, possibly indicating a symbiotic relationship between Gigantofuzzypithicus and larger, woolley mammals of the same time period.
      Size: Largest specimen is a petrified individual measuring about 1 foot in length, carbon dated to 60,000 years ago, found alongside a large woolly mammoth specimen. It is the largest known species of fuzzy to have existed. Fossil specimens consist primarily of impressions with a few petrified individuals having been found.
      Lifespan: Unknown
      Diet: Evidence indicates a diet of sweet plants, such as grasses, and honey.
      Reproduction: Present theory by fuzziologists indicates young split off of larger individuals, similar to amoebas, but the evidence supporting this theory is inconclusive.


      Entry 16 –
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      Left Sock Fuzzies

      Left Sock Fuzzies are the reason that, no matter how careful you are
      when doing the laundry, some socks always eventually go missing.
      Despite their name, these Fuzzies can also originate from right socks.

      Every once and a rare while, when exposed to soap and water, some
      socks begin to mutate. Scientists can only speculate on why; It may be
      a happenstance combination of certain fabrics and soaps.

      Whatever the reason, the mutated sock begins to split and curl
      outwards. These are tails beginning to form. The fabric splits all the
      way to the middle. Where the split strips meet up, fuzzies are born. A
      litter consists of anywhere from 4-12 fuzzies, and can come in all
      sizes. The remaining fabric does not turn into fuzzies, and in fact
      becomes their very first meal. Their main food source is dustbunnies.

      Left sock fuzzies come in two variants: Straight and Curled. This
      seems to depend largely on the fabric type they were born from. The
      litter will remain closely bonded for the rest of its life.

      These fuzzies usually live in laundry baskets and sock drawers. They
      are very shy and blend in with their surroundings well. They like to
      help out when they can by protecting your clothes; The scent of a
      fuzzy scares away moths and various other fabric-eating creatures.

      Whenever you think you finally found a lost sock, only to realize you’re mistaken – chances are very high that you spotted a Left Sock


      Entry 17 –
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      New fuzzy breed name: Gearhead Fuzzies

      First spotted: out in our backyard, hanging around a few car parts my husband and I have out there.

      Observed behavior: We brought the fuzzy into our home and offered him a comfortable place to stay. He kept wanting to go into the garage. At first we stopped him, thinking that was no place for a fuzzy, but then we started finding him in there working on our engine project! He’s demonstrated an amazing ability to move around objects much heavier than himself and to assemble things. Also demonstrated an intricate knowledge of the working of an engine. He put much of our engine together for us! He loved the work and couldn’t be kept away from it. He also snuck into the car after the engine was in and then moved up onto the dashboard to enjoy the ride!
      He bathes himself thoroughly and often to clean off the grease and grime from his work.

      Physical traits: Very big and robust for a fuzzy. Thick, wool-like fuzz. We were amazed to discover that his bright-colored nose has the ability to illuminate in darkness, allowing him to work during dark late hours and to see what he’s doing from the dark inside of an engine!

      Eating: Like most fuzzies, he really seems to enjoy eating and hasn’t been very picky about our offerings from our kitchen. However, we have found him drinking motor oil quite often and this seems to be his favorite!


        So voting is open now for one week? Where do we vote?

        Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


          Wow, these entries are all amazing and entertaining! How do we vote?

          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


            The silly poll de-published. Fixing now.


              Lol, these are awesome!


                These are all so adorable! Good luck, everyone!

                Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                ANY Red Eyed Unis
                ANY Test Paint Bat
                The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                Male- Snow Leopard TP
                White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                Mother: Okapi
                Gothic - Mahogany
                PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                  Oh my goodness, these are all awesome! How to pick just one?

                  Good luck to all of the entrants!


                    Good luck everyone 🙂

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male day🤞Dream on.


                      Everyone did a Fantastic job identifying new Fuzzy Breeds!

                      Ms Susie, did you ever believe you would see so many?!? Hope your Fuzzies are super excited to see some long lost cousins from near and far! Some even right under our noses! LOL!

                      Good Luck Everyone!
                      This has been a Great Quest, Kiya! Thanks! 🙂

                      IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                      Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                      Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                      *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                      *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                        All of these fuzzies are awesome!

                        Please be sure to vote for your favorite – if I understand correctly the voting will continue through this weekend. Have a fuzzy weekend! :love:


                          Good job everyone! & good luck!


                          This was a great Quest, people put lots of thought into this and it was so nice to see everyone’e entry 🙂

                        Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
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