Quest 11 Coming Soon!!!

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests Quest 11 Coming Soon!!!

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      I’m REALLY excited that Quest 11 should be going up in the next couple of days! The prize for this contest is going to be AMAZING! Melody is painting something special JUST for this contest! 🙂

      This is also the first time we’ll be attempting a contest with voting since the coloring contest. Here are some highlights – hopefully we’ve addressed everyone’s concerns as much as possible!

      – Only registered, active forum members with some tenure on the site will be able to vote (posting activity is part of “active” – so if you’re just a lurker, you may want to chime in on some threads!) Any registered member can still enter though – so if you’re new you can still get in on the action

      – All entries will be posted to the official Windstone Facebook page so you can get additional attention for your entry even if you don’t use social media normally

      – Entries will continue to be posted anonymously, but if you want to claim credit for your work outside of the forum, that’s fine

      – All voting will be done by the community – we won’t be utilizing a judging round. However, your entries WILL be carefully checked to make sure they comply with the rules so please read the rules. 🙂

      – We’re adding a Random Draw “second chance prize” – if you don’t win the main contest, you’ll be entered for a chance to win another great Windstone

      I think that’s about it! It’s taken some time and effort from a lot of folks to get us to a point where we can try voting again – hopefully it will go off without a hitch! 🙂 This is a really fun quest idea (I can say that since I didn’t come up with it!) and I hope you all enjoy it!


      What will we be entering? Artwork? Shoe size? Wildest tall tales?

      Whatever it is, thanks for arranging it, Kiya!


        OOOO, exciting! Course I may die of curiosity before the quest even starts >.<


          I’m excited about the quest, and doubly excited about what Melody is painting! I am, however, scared to death about the whole voting thing. It did NOT go well last time. 🙁

          Sounds like the provisions you have taken will certainly help, though! 🙂 Whatever happens, I think it’s wonderful that you continue to take us on these journeys!

          Thank you.


            Well, we’ve tried voting only and judging only and a combo of the two… All have faced varying degrees of success! 🙂 Hopefully limiting it to active members and having a “second chance” drawing will help keep the pain mostly at bay!


              …… Hopefully limiting it to active members and having a “second chance” drawing will help keep the pain mostly at bay!

              That’s what I was thinking, too! 😀


                Exciting!!!! 😀

                Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
                Follow for updates:


                  I can’t wait to see what it is!


                  How exciting! Since the coloring contest nearly broke my heart, I hope this one goes better =P I shall still enter anyways, it sounds like you’ve addressed many of the problems with voting


                    What will we be entering? Artwork? Shoe size? Wildest tall tales?

                    Bwahahaha! If we enter shoe sizes, I’m so not gonna win 🙂

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      I’ve been gone for the last couple of quests, so here’s looking forward to entering 🙂


                        I can’t find the rules, can somebody tell me what they are? thanks


                          I can’t find the rules, can somebody tell me what they are? thanks

                          They haven’t been posted yet. Kiya will make another announcement when the Quest actually starts, and the rules will be explained then. 🙂


                            Thank you I though I was just missing them. I have not done a quest before are they all different?


                              Thank you I though I was just missing them. I have not done a quest before are they all different?

                              Yep, they’re all different. 🙂

                              So far we’ve had color design contests, scavenger hunts, guessing games, and other stuff that I’m forgetting.

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