Quest 10 Thumbnails + Full Images

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests Quest 10 Thumbnails + Full Images

  • This topic has 22 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years ago by Ann.
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  • #506169

      Photo 1:
       photo Photo_1_zps5a31e018.png

       photo Photo_1_Full_zpsa4cdd9af.png

      Photo 2:
       photo Photo_2_zps90942e23.png

       photo Photo_2_Full_zpsca07cb5d.png

      Photo 3:
       photo Photo_3_zpsda4fccca.png

       photo Photo_3_Full_zps62731c9f.png

      Photo 4:
       photo Photo_4_zps271cd3dd.png

       photo Photo_4_Full_zps8b8d3494.png

      Photo 5:
       photo Photo_5_zps54996af1.png

       photo Photo_5_Full_zps044aeb27.png

      Photo 6:
       photo Photo_6_zps9fb9d302.png

       photo Photo_6_Full_zps0df5318f.png

      Photo 7:
       photo Photo_7_zps9e3c0f3b.png

       photo Photo_7_Full_zps6690eb7e.png

      Photo 8:
       photo Photo_8_zps74e065c5.png

       photo Photo_8_Full_zpsf4abf319.png

      Photo 9:
       photo Photo_9_zpsca135077.png

       photo Photo_9_Full_zps2aa78cce.png

      Photo 10:
       photo Photo_10_zpsd7335416.png

       photo Photo_10_Full_zpsb395bf74.png

      Photo 11:
       photo Photo_11_zpsdbaebddc.png

       photo Photo_11_Full_zpsc9f0180d.png

      Photo 12:
       photo Photo_12_zpsc3722f1c.png

       photo Photo_12_Full_zps778e3f78.png

      Photo 13:
       photo Photo_13_zps6c1713e4.png

       photo Photo_13_Full_zps13ff83bc.png

      Photo 14:
       photo Photo_14_zpscba1cbc5.png

       photo Photo_14_Full_zps2ed1f9d6.png

      Photo 15:
       photo Photo_15_zps8d5a873b.png

       photo Photo_15_Full_zps2b903f4d.png


        Having some problems with my computer tonight so I couldn’t get the photo made – I’ll post two tomorrow! Sorry about that!


          Can we get a list of who’s who?

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            Can we get a list of who’s who?

            I’m so sorry you guys! I keep meaning to get this posted, then I keep ending up working until 10 – 11 pm and just collapsing at night. Unless VERY BAD THINGS happen today, I should get home on time and can hopefully post the answers and full sized shots.

            Thank you for your patience!



              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                I’ve posted full sized photos below each thumbnail. Enjoy!


                  Thanks. Photo 6 was the hardest for me to identify.


                    Wow, I got quite a few right! I’m amazed! 😀

                    Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



                      I was wrong on a few, but that #10, I knew right away! I had been working soooooo closely with that tail for so long, I couldn’t miss it 🙂

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      Aaah! Mouse Wizard, you totally kicked my butt! 😕


                        Aaah! Mouse Wizard, you totally kicked my butt! 😕

                        I thought it was a reversed photo of the Baby Pegasus chain for a LONG time – finally realized I was overthinking the problem!


                        I got #1, 2 and 15 wrong 🙁 3 sculpts I never even thought of at all!! LOL I forget the poad had feathering like that! Sad considering the GB Poads are one of my favs and I have an adult Poad too!


                          Bah, I got #2 and #15 wrong. #2 was really driving me nuts. I KNEW I’d seen that spot; looked all my pieces over that had feathers, again and again and again. And each time I skipped the poads. Doh! Finally I just guessed.

                          Fun quest =)


                          I got #1 correct but only after looking at every other chain in Windstonia! I was so frustrated I almost gave up entirely. Especially when I saw #2 – only saw the poad as I was logging out.

                          Really fun quest! Thanks, Kiya!


                            I also got #1, 2 and 15 wrong and I knew what the wolf one was but didn’t know what it was called technically. I looked at pictures of every sculpt I could think of that had a necklace and didn’t know the mouse wizard had one! The second one I thought for sure was a griffin so I didn’t look that carefully. I have poads too but all my sculpts were in boxes from moving when I guessed these, so I was just going by online pictures to identify these. I had no idea which dragon #15 was so just took a guess but didn’t get it. I had a hard time with some of the others but after looking at a lot of pictures, managed to identify them. Funny that the ones I thought would be easier, were the ones I got wrong.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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