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      That’s quite possibly true, however, their return policy IS stated on their page. It’s not a terribly good policy, but they’re not being dishonest about that either.

      I know the list isn’t a “do not buy” list, but I’m trying to be as fair as possible. They have very politely explained their side of the story and asked to be removed. And honestly… if I’d known this involved an emerald/jade confusion, I probably wouldn’t have put them on the list in the first place. I bought a jade oriental from somebody RIGHT HERE on the forums, and when it arrived it was emerald. And I didn’t put them on the list. The jade/emerald thing is confusing even for long-time experienced collectors. For somebody who just runs a business and doesn’t actually care about Windstones there’s just no way they’d know the difference.


      I ran into that too – bought a “jade” oriental from a store and it came in a box labeled jade but was an emerald. *shrug* I figured the store sold it to me in good faith so I kept it. He’s pretty even if he’s not a jade.

      “it’s not easy being green….”


      And not getting back to a customer or getting back slowly is not quality customer service either. Did they forward all of the emails because I have those if you would like to read them and then you can judge for yourself?

      It is the expirence as a whole, not just the jade/emerald thing.


        They didn’t forward me anything. They just said that they had told you it was jade because as far as they were concerned it was jade, and having informed you of their return policy they didn’t feel any further obligation.

        I really am not sure what to put down should I put them back on the list. “Didn’t communicate well?” “Has sucky return policy?”

        Honestly this list is proving to be a lot more trouble than I’d thought.

        I am HAPPY to tell people to go take a flying leap if they have been dishonest and cheated somebody, but I feel that in doubtful cases where there’s a gray area, it’s really not worth it to keep somebody’s name on there when they’ve asked me to remove it.

        I’m getting legal threats and harassment now from these, and I really am between a rock and a hard spot here. If they haven’t done anything that I can pin down and say “this is exactly what they did wrong” I’m not sure it’s worth it to keep their name on the list and continue getting complaints from them over it.


        Okay, for those of us who don’t know the difference, could you show pics of the difference between a jade and an emerald oriental? I’m confused.



        It was very nice of you to host the list, SPark, but if it is turning into a major hassle I, for one, would totally understand you deleting it. This shouldn’t be a huge headache for you – or even a little, tiny one. Don’t want you to get into trouble.


          I completely agree with ddvm, you shouldn’t get yourself in trouble over this.


            ddvm wrote:

            It was very nice of you to host the list, SPark, but if it is turning into a major hassle I, for one, would totally understand you deleting it. This shouldn’t be a huge headache for you – or even a little, tiny one. Don’t want you to get into trouble.

            I second that. It’s been a wonderful gesture to help protect us from careless and pain in the butt vendors, however, none of us want you to suffer for it.


              So long as what’s up there is factual, and not slander, I can’t get into legal trouble. And after the idiocy of one person in particular, there’s no way I’m taking the whole list down. If I took every other name off the list, hers would still be there, forever, eternally. (She said I was immature for putting her name up there, then said if I didn’t take it down she’d hop a plane and come beat me up!) So it’s not the list in and of itself. Some people heartily deserve to be on it. I just don’t want to go to more trouble than it’s worth for people who are basically honest.

              I need to think this situation over some more. I really can see both sides here. They weren’t terribly helpful on the one hand, but on the other trying to get a piece in jade is always a gamble unless you can see it in person.


                I have always thought the the Jade VS Emerald issue was going to rear it’s UGLY head soon. If you are not an avid collector like those of us on the forum there is no way to know the difference. It didn ot seem liek there was anything done wrong in the situation I was reading about due to this confusion

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