Quagga Unicorn…

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Quagga Unicorn…

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    This girl is gonna be hard to part with, I love her so.

    I based her pattern in the Quagga, but did it in purple and lavender to match her lovely eyes.

    I like her so much, I am not sure if I want to sell her, what do you guys think, should she hit the Flea Market or eBay, or stay with me?

    Comments, as always, welcome.



      She’s absolutely gorgeous!!! If it was me, I’d keep her. 😀


        Got any indoor shots? The sunlight washed out her colors. I like what I can see though. I’d keep her.


        She looks lovely, Kyrin.


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        Got any indoor shots? The sunlight washed out her colors. I like what I can see though. I’d keep her.

        Actually, she is faded from the shoulders back, quagga pattern fades at that point. So the pics are accurate, with the exception of the brightness on her shoulders on both views.



          If I were you I’d keep her, but then I’d also love to have her 😉


            I want her too. I loved Quaggas when I was little and after looking at the Katuran Oddesey(sp?) it’s sparked up again. 😀


            I would say keep her. I really love it as well.


            i don’t know if it is the sunlight, but the unicorn seems to glow in the grass…radio active? 😯

            seriously, it looks beautiful!


              Wow…. that’s really cool… I totally never would have thought to do that kind of thing…


              tc_cat333 wrote:

              Wow…. that’s really cool… I totally never would have thought to do that kind of thing…

              The quagga zebra species is being slowly recovered through careful breeding, but it is still offically extinct still. And since unicorns are said to not exist, I figured the two were made for each other.

              Also, I love zebra stripes, but wanted to be different, so in went the purple colors and quagga coat pattern.

              Glad you guys all like her, I am still debating on whether she should go on the auction block.

              I have one more unpainted unicorn here, with brown eyes, any suggestions?

              Also, what do you guys think of the idea of butterfly wings on a unicorn?



              That was an idea I had a while ago (I called mine the “Zebracorn”). Now when I do mine, it will look like Im copying you!

              I think it’s gorgeous and will be hard to part with. However, I also think that it will get a nice price if you do sell it, here or anywhere. Good luck!


                That is very neat! Those stripes are killer!


                I sell everything- I do not have one of my own PYOs- sad as that is… I know once I start keeping even one- I will not want to sell anything… and painting is my work (I love it and it is our second income etc)
                If you collect unicorns I would keep her- I love the face markings… but if you don’t really collect uni’s then I would sell- she will get you a good price I bet.

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