PYO's restock??????

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      thank you very much susie for the update.


        Thank you Susie for the update. We know you guys will figure it out soon and be rid of the cursed Dragon Pox! I’m glad to hear you are making progress on resolving the issue. πŸ™‚


          Thanks for the update, Susie! πŸ™‚


          thanks for the update! i cannot wait! although i do have a wolf to start on yet…


          The update is appreciated! πŸ™‚ I’m looking forward to seeing more PYOs too.


            yes, thank you!


              Another Thank You! I hope Snap is ready when they do come in the store—that will be the ultimate test to see if the site totally crashes!! πŸ˜†


              Oh thank you Susie! πŸ˜€
              *begins digging in couch for change to save up* XD


                twindragonsmum wrote:

                twindragonsmum πŸ˜†
                Reminds me of my cat’s eyes just before she decides to pounce on something….her pupil get big.


                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Same with ours… πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜†
                  Reminds me of my cat’s eyes just before she decides to pounce on something….her pupil get big.
                  OMG!!! I loved this shot of Puss! πŸ˜€


                    PYO Keepers were in the store for 1 second today. I didn’t even get a notification, I just stumbled upon it in the store. Of course they were already gone by the time I discovered them. XD


                    machineguts wrote:

                    PYO Keepers were in the store for 1 second today. I didn’t even get a notification, I just stumbled upon it in the store. Of course they were already gone by the time I discovered them. XD

                    Me too! But I am actually hoping for another wolf right now…Worst part is I kept looking at the lonely one left in the store and knowing I wanted him, but I didn’t know what for. Now, no wolves and I need one for a special something. πŸ™ πŸ˜• (Just goes to show you should always go with gut instinct! πŸ˜† )


                      An update on the PYO Keeper:
                      As you have noticed we have had a few at a time. Instead of saving them up until there are a large batch to put in the store, I elected to put the few we had in the store so that Santa might sneak them under Christmas trees. Had I saved them up until there were many, no one would have had one before Christmas. I apologize for this but we will have more. Things are going well and we are starting to produce some good looking clear skinned dragons again (the Plague of Dragon Pox has nearly ended!) πŸ™‚ I had so few of the Keepers I only notified the oldest names on my waiting list, and I think only one of those people managed to get one. The waiting list is a mile long. When we have more you will see them in the store. I cannot notify everyone on the waiting list for just a few because the store will probably gag if everyone trys to buy one at the same time. I thank you for your patience. :yes:


                        Just a note Susie–tell Snap to be ready when those pyos do hit the store–there is going to be a mad, mad rush! It’ll certainly test the store’s server–so….Snap are you ready? Think you got the store so that it won’t crash–we’ll see! πŸ˜† 😈 :shout: πŸ‘Ώ XD

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