PYOs…How long the wait?

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    Kujacker wrote:

    purpleturtle wrote:

    I haven’t seen a pyo hippocampus in the works though 😕

    I think he’s only in Melody’s elfwood gallery…

    I see a capricorn figurine, but no hippocampus. Does anyone know where a picture of one in the works might be? I didn’t even know Melody was working on one!


    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Kujacker wrote:

    purpleturtle wrote:

    I haven’t seen a pyo hippocampus in the works though 😕

    I think he’s only in Melody’s elfwood gallery…

    I see a capricorn figurine, but no hippocampus. Does anyone know where a picture of one in the works might be? I didn’t even know Melody was working on one!

    Either that, or she got hippocampus mixed up with hippogriff, since she has been working on one of those! 😉


      frozendragon wrote:

      Jennifer put this in the announcements since people have only started about 20 topics on the PYO Keepers..

      Susie said at least 3 weeks for the move… but getting set up to ship out would take longer…

      plus unpacking and setting up… it honestly could be a month or two before regular PYOs are mailed again…

      or this could go wonderfully smooth and just 6wks like Emerald said… but nothing ever works out perfectly in the real world

      Isn’t that the truth!!!


      I’m going to stick the question in here and hope Melody sees it, rather than starting a new thread.

      The PYO griffins are out of stock! There were some left yesterday. When will there be more?


        It’ll be great when these guys are back in stock, particularly the Keepers….Not to mention I’m dying to get hold of the new pyos Melody’s been talkin about. Especially the pyo Phoenix! 😀


          Keepers for me, please 😀 . But I’m really anxious to see some new PYOs, such as the Phoenix, Flap cats and (keeping my fingers crossed for this guy) a Hippogriff.
          I keep going back to that picture in Melody’s gallery – It’s just such a cool sculpture, eventhough it’s still in the rough 😉 .


            You know, a friend of mine wanted to know if the wolf PYO will come out in a different style. A different pose maybe. that would be neat. 😀 Maybe have the wolf sitting up or something.

            Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
            Follow for updates:


            Yes, but those are all sculpts or molds that don’t really exist yet. I want to know when the sculpts already in production will be replenished?


     too….plus the sculpts I know Melody has in line for casting, and are already sculpted. Melody has big plans for when she has her casting and molmaking department back! 🙂 Which of course excites me very much! I need to be saving up monies! 😀 😀


              Uh oh GB… 😯 😆

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