Here’s a couple pyos I’ve got up for sale. I added purple interference and took better pics of the butterfly seafoam dragon. I also did a new dragon, a Redpoint Siamese…both of which are for sale on my website, for $110 apiece. Lemme know if you want both, and I’ll let them go for $200 plus shipping. Thanks! π π
I agree with everyone else that the seafoam one is beautiful! I just can’t get her right now though. I’v done so much spending on Ebay lately.
Plus, I want time to save up for one of your Keepers, when those become available again. π
Seafoam is beautiful. I’ve thought about buying him, but I really can’t spend the money right now. π
Ditto. I’ve considered him several times… but I’m more broke than I’ve been in a looong time. I think I need to get a job for a while to catch up on things. π Or at least to cover my bike payment.