
PYO Winged Wolves with brownish wash on them

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO Winged Wolves with brownish wash on them

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      If you have received some of the PYO Wolves that were dipped in a brownish wash (that may turn green with time). If you have any that are not plain white, Beware if you paint them a light color because the wash may bleed through and show as green marks on your finished paint job (it might take a few days to appear). If you have already painted any in a light color and are experiencing this bleed through, WE APOLOGIZE, and will replace those PYO Wolves with some fresh ones that have not been dipped in the brownish wash.

      We began dipping pieces in the brownish wash to make flaws easier to see, not realizing that it was possible for the color to bleed through the paint painted over it. We are not going to do this any more! Please contact us – email me, please, no “PM”s as I do not always see them. Thanks. susie@windstoneeditions.com

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