PYO Winged Wolf-Sunburnt Black

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO Winged Wolf-Sunburnt Black

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    Let me know what you think, be it good or bad.

    Webshots link. One photo on first page, go to the next page for the rest of the photos:

    He’s for sale or trade (listed in flea market).

    Thanks for looking. 🙂


      Very nice!!! I like him a lot. The wings are especially nice.


        He is pretty, too!


        I’m sensing a theme! 😉 Looks great!


          LOL, i was thinking the same thing!
          How do you get that burnished look? It’s very cool!


          Very nice! Your PYO’s have a very distinctive style.



            although….makes me want chocolate…. 😯



            He is beautiful. I think I like the wings on this one the best.



            I just use a metallic bronze on the wings to get the burnished look. The metallic highlights on the wings is a combo of metallic bronze and light copper. The wolf’s basecoat was a reddish brown color, similar to burnt sienna but a little bit more red.

            Yeah my color palette consists of horse colors mostly, there are only so many colors I had to work with at the time I started these first four. Now I’ve got reds, purples, blues, some greens. Maybe on the next four I will go a little bit more colorful, I dunno. Purple is one of my favorite colors, so I may play with that next go round.



              purple is my favorite color…I might have to come steal it…


              It won’t load for me. 🙁


              Okay, I just saw him in the gallery. OYu really have developed your own beautiful, unique style, UnicornLvr.


              Very nice 😉

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