PYO Unicorns….suggestions.

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    Hey guys, I have three unis coming, green eyes, brown eyes and lavender eyes.

    I’d like some suggestions on color schemes.

    I was thinking of doing a dapple with the one with green eyes, but I was gonna do a bit of a twist with it and do a grey blue color, versus a realistic grey.

    I am really tempted to do a quagga coat pattern for the lavender one, but using shades of purple for the look…and creams.

    But I am not sure what to do with the last.

    Perhaps a paint or appaloosa, but then those have been done before…but I really want something different…perhaps a grulla color pattern, that might look really neat…opinions?



      I think an appaloosa. I cant recall anyone doing one on here. Then again, paints are my favorite. I would like to see one that is mostly white, like the pic I posted in Arllas thread. An Overo.


        Ohhhh I’d love to see a quagga with green or lavender eyes! 😀 I like Quaggas


        DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

        Ohhhh I’d love to see a quagga with green or lavender eyes! 😀 I like Quaggas

        Yeah, quaggas are cool. What is really neat is that there is a project that is currently breeding to bring them back from extinction.

        20 years of selective breeding has given them several animals that are just about there. Quaggas are a species of zebra, and there are individuals in the zebra herds of today who show traits, so they have been catching those and breeding others to get them back.

        Neat project really, if you guys are interested in this, I have the link for the project and it has pictures of their progress.



          Yes, please post the link. It sounds very interesting.


          lamortefille wrote:

          Yes, please post the link. It sounds very interesting.

          There ya go.



          Here’s a picture of a horse/zebra cross, I was thinking a unicorn would look really cool painted like this.

          This pic was borrowed from someone’s Africa trip page, I lost the link. But Copyright of the photo is to them.

          I will be taking this down after awhile, just in case I am infringing on copyright stuff, but I wanted to show you guys the pic.



            Kyrin wrote:

            lamortefille wrote:

            Yes, please post the link. It sounds very interesting.


            There ya go.


            That was great, thanks: -) I would love to see those markings on a pyo uni.


            I’m also looking forward to unicorns in standard horse markings in odd colors. The Quaga would be really awesome though, no matter what color. It’s a really intriguing pattern.


            minxlette wrote:

            I’m also looking forward to unicorns in standard horse markings in odd colors. The Quaga would be really awesome though, no matter what color. It’s a really intriguing pattern.

            Stand by, I plan to start one tonight. If I decide to do the dapple, then I will also be posting WIP pics.



              Kyrin wrote:

              minxlette wrote:

              I’m also looking forward to unicorns in standard horse markings in odd colors. The Quaga would be really awesome though, no matter what color. It’s a really intriguing pattern.

              Stand by, I plan to start one tonight. If I decide to do the dapple, then I will also be posting WIP pics.


              Yes! If you do a dapple, I would love to see pics!!


              Oh a quaga would be really interesting. I would want one of those.

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