PYO Trades/Commissions Etc. Info.

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    I don’t know why but I can’t find my one ost about Ki-Rin trades. Can someone point that to me? I’m lost.

    I want to fulfill my trades but I don’t know if I’ll be able to now. Those of you that have already begun their side of the trade for me, PM me asap; I will fullfill my side of the bragain with you. Also, those I have already begun trades for: like those who got the autumn wolves, the 2 people I owe for the secret on-going partner trades, or SPark for the fursuit…those will all be completed. It’s everyone else from my KiRin list that I don’t know if I can do and now must put on hiatus.

    All commissions will also be completed just fine, so no worries there. Commissions always get done and I’m always open to taking them, although right now I’m kinda slow.

    I am finishing off all of the PYO sculpts I have on-hand right now for these, and then probably not going to get any more soon. Of course this can change since I have like 10 more to paint specifically for selling purposes, but right now the outlook is to just get rid of stock, recover my money, and pay off as much of the medical bills as possible, with hopefully some leftover to help fund other major art projects I have going this year.



      Thanks Ski, and I will always keep this list in mind because I DO want to do these trades but it’ll probably take far longer than I ever intended it to. Also, I know I commissioned one or two people…I will be paying for those, no worries.

      I’ve just gotten really frustrated this week. Most all the money we got back from taxes has gone to medical bills…the rest to other necessities. Now I have to get blood tests every week and keep seeing doctors. I’ve had to pay in $100 all-of-a-sudden by surprise just to get the CT scan my doctor required because insurance wouldn’t cover the entire thing. I don’t like surprises like that or to be told I won’t get medical care if I don’t pay up right now. And I realize that for our first year anniversary my hubby and I probably can’t go anywhere or do anything special like we planned because of all the medical crap and it’s all my fault even though I couldn’t help it. We can’t afford to redo the kitchen like we wanted or anything to fix up our home as planned like prevent the basement from flooding by redoing the walls and such. I feel like such a burden now.

      I’m just really upset, and although several of the PYOs I’ve made have sold well, a lot haven’t sold so well or at least in the range I set for myself to make a decent wage over time put in, you know? I know others among you have felt this too…so maybe it’s just a weak period for sales (it happens) or something but I set for myself a certain standard for the year and for all art I do and I won’t settle for less like I used to all those years anymore because it’s just not really professional and makes my work seem sub-par. I mean I believe you have to sell out sometimes to pay bills and make money, but sometimes you gotta put your foot down too.

      Anyway, I’ll stop my little ranter, I just had to let everyone know and I feel really bad, but what am I gonna do? Hopefully though nobody will mind and if things turn out better I willfullfill the trades when time and money allows.


        Im sorry to hear about all you medical bills. I hear you about the artwork. Its been rough lately and you have def been getting the short end of the stick, along with many others. 🙁 I really hope you get better and I hope the market gets a bit better, too! And you are NOT a burden. Your man is lucky to have you. Through sickness AND in health. The other stuff will come along eventually. Take care of you first. Its more important than the house, aniversaries, or renovations.


          Oh man Water… I feel your pain. I really hope the medical end of it gets better for you soon!!!

          I know how horrible being frustrated can be for your art. I’m still going through it and trying to bounce back… it’s really hard to overcome…

          Just know that we are here for ya… Rant away! 😀 That’s what being a community is about!

          And also know… that whenever you feel up to it… I’ll still be up for our Ki-Rin trade! Heck I’ll buy the PYO and send it to you if you’ll paint it for me. But I don’t intend to go anywhere… so we’ll figure something out!

          Can’t have you going totally “Ki-Rin-less!” 😆

          ::hugs:: Feel better… take a break before you hit burn out… that’s a horrid place to be. 😛


          Aww thanks guys. The good news of all of it is I don’t really suffer burn-out or lack of anything to do art-wise since I have several projects. I have a Totem Card project where about 50 artists are designing animal cards for, a werewolf novel I’m writing, and a Were-creature anatomy guidebook/art refereance thingie artists can officially use to copy and learn from.

          Our insurance is paying 80% of the bills, which is nice. I’m just amazed at how much 20% is, you know? We pay the 20% and then of course all doctor visit co-pays which are $40 each visit. But we keep having issues with insurance and their lacking pacing some bills in time which cn hurt our credit rating and or get me yelled at at the doctor office and a threat that I won’t get my medical care. That’s totally not cool and having had that happen to me because of an insurance misunderstanding fired me up something aweful. The drug costs are actually the cheapest part of the whole dang thing! I don’t know how other people quite seriously in debt with medical bills can handle it. It has made me take an even deeper look at the US medical care system and it really really needs revamping in a serious way…but I guess we care more about funding wars right now and weapons that kill…not our people or its education or its exports. But don’t get me started on politics.

          And nobody has results for me…I know tests take time but still…my doctors make me appointment to review the results and then when there are no results that’s just more money I gotta pay for the visit. That happened twice last week. and then when I got some medical records I needed…I had somebody elses records with mine which screwed even more stuff up!

          It’s aweful and an uphill battle that just makes you more angry everytime you gotta do anything doctor-visit-wise


          I am sorry to hear about the bills as well. It would be a sad thing for you to quit painting PYOs, because I enjoy looking at your artwork. As for the Ki-rin trade, I would still like to do it…just let me know when you are ready. I will probably still paint the one I have for you and even if you decide you don’t want it or don’t want to trade then no worries. Get back to feeling better. 😀


          Water, take care of you. I would still like to do the trade with you, but I can always wait it out! Your health and mental state are much more important than making more work for you. I will still be around the forums, we can get together on the swap in the future, just let me know when you are ready. 😉 Lots of well wishes for you and your hubby! 😀


            Man, that sucks that you’re having to deal with all that financial crap. Good luck with it, I guess.

            And don’t worry too much about our trade… I’m not even going to be getting to your suit until probably June, so… lots of time!


              Don’t worry Water, I haven’t even started it yet =) Just focus on getting yourself in good shape so you can keep us company for years to come *shakes pom poms*

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                Sorry to hear about the medical bills and issues. Healthcare is so over priced and out of reach for so many people. I can’t remember how many years I went without health insurance. But don’t worry. Things will start looking up soon.


                Oh Water, I so sorry you are having a rough time of it! That person at the doc office NEVER should have brought up your billing to you, that is the billing departments job!! It’s so hard to deal with them!! Maybe you can work out a billing arrangment with them, I have done that in the past. We got stuck with $1500 after my daughter was born due to “reasonalbe and customary charges”.

                Rant all you want!! Happy Anniversary by the way! It doesnt matter where you two go, just that you are together!


                  I’m so sorry things are not going right for you! Take good care of yourself, that’s the most important. And never, never think of yourself as a burden. You are not. So take it cool and get better.

                  I’m still in for the kirin trade, just say when. No rush!

                  Lotsa luv!

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    No worries Water! Your health is always more important than windstones! I’ve been stuck with whopping medical bills too on 2 occasions. Once when I was still in high school (took 8 months to figure out why I was so sick and another 3 months to get well… mostly thanks to a doctor who didn’t take insurance directly – homeopathy/traditional medicine, but it did the trick). My parents footed that bill (since I was still in school), but it took considerable time to pay it all off. The second time was right after college when I ended up in the ER seriously ill with the flu right around Christmas. I couldn’t work for almost a month afterwards because I was in such bad shape (having a suppressed immune system just compounded the bad strain of flu that went around that year). I didn’t have insurance and had to work out a payment plan. It took me well over a year on payments to take care of it, but you do what you have to do. It’s also frustrating having bouts of my chronic fatigue where I have the inspiration to do stuff, but not the umph! Things will work themselves out eventually. Keep us updated and best of luck.

                    P.S., I’m still sending you a kirin. 🙂 If I get something in return now, or 2 years , or never, no worries. I said I would do one and now I have the idea and the kirin when I have the time, so I’m doing it. No buts 😀

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