PYO Red Gold Dragon

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    Hey guys,

    I liked the colors of my previous dragon project so much, I decided to paint up my PYO dragon to match. And boy did he come out purty!

    To see, just follow the links.

    The first one is of the display side, and the other is the front view.

    My favorite part is the blue…never would have thought to put blue in if it wasn’t for a friend’s suggestion, but boy does it ever work!

    Comments welcome. I did submit him to the PYO Gallery, but he isn’t posted yet.




      Very nice!!! πŸ˜€


        I agree. Reminds me of the Black Golds. Very nice painting!


          Very nice!


          skigod377 wrote:

          I agree. Reminds me of the Black Golds. Very nice painting!

          I am hoping it isn’t considered too close to the Black Gold, because I have decided to put him up on eBay. And I really don’t want John yelling at me again this week, once was enough.

          I never meant for him to be anywhere close to the Black Gold color, but from a distance with the small pics, he kinda does, until you get up close and see the differences, especially the bright blue running down his chest, etc.

          The big Black Golds look very different from him, but I noticed that the Black Gold young dragon is kinda more reds than golds, which makes my PYO come rather close without meaning to, God I hope this doesn’t end up being an issue. I didn’t see the young version until after I had this guy painted.



            i too think it is very close to black gold. especially with the (dark) blue eye/purple stone combo(at least it looks like purple from the pics on my computer), in addition to the chosen paint colors. i believe it was mentioned at one point before that for pieces that look close to windstone production colors that you maybe run it by john, etc. before it goes to ebay and the big wide open world… that way way its saves everyone alot of hoop dee doo.


            tfsculptures wrote:

            i too think it is very close to black gold. especially with the (dark) blue eye/purple stone combo, in addition to the chosen paint colors. i believe it was mentioned at one point before that for pieces that look close to windstone production colors that you maybe run it by john, etc. before it goes to ebay and the big wide open world… that way way its saves everyone alot of hoop dee doo.

            The stone is red. And I disagree with it’s closeness to the Black Gold, mine has no bright yellows, no red, it’s copper actually, and quite a bit of blue, and no purple…which I notice the Black Gold has all those.

            It is only from a distance in tiny pictures where there appears to be a simularity, and once you get up close, it goes away.

            I am hoping John will agree…we’ll see.

            I will tell you guys though, if there is a problem, that will be the final straw.



              like you said, when you see it tiny, it looks similar, but once you see it up close, you see there are other colors and real differences. its just that the overall concept of it makes you think at first of a black gold as you glance at it, but like you said, there are some significant detail color differences going on, the royal blue, etc..i don’t remember there being a problem with the other one you did like this, so you’re probably all good.. πŸ™‚ he is very pretty!


                I think it’s very pretty, and if John says it’s too close, you can sell it to me. πŸ˜€

                Just out of curiosity, what did he yell at you for before?


                  The black golds have light blue eyes, not the dark blue.

                  I think he only looks like a black gold because they both have black and gold (but yours is copper colored, no?) >__> But other than that, your sculpture has too many things different than the b&g. Hopefully there is no issue!

                  I like him though πŸ˜€


                  Kujacker wrote:

                  The black golds have light blue eyes, not the dark blue.

                  I think he only looks like a black gold because they both have black and gold (but yours is copper colored, no?) >__> But other than that, your sculpture has too many things different than the b&g. Hopefully there is no issue!

                  I like him though πŸ˜€

                  I am pretty confident there won’t be an issue, that blue is pretty loud.

                  Glad you and a few others like him. Someone else does too, he’s only been on eBay for a few hours and someone has already bid… 😯 😯

                  Very cool, but I wasn’t expecting anything so fast.

                  it’ll be fun to see what he tops out at, I doubt it will go as high as Asinnimons, but that wouldn’t break my heart, more money for more Windstones!

                  I am hoping to get enough for two more PYO’s.

                  Whoot! John likes him! Well he let him get posted in the Windstone PYO gallery, so he at least doesn’t disapprove of him. Yay! No worries now.

                  Anyway, I’m babbling.



                  He’s so pretty. And I see he has a bid on E-Bay. Way to go, Kyrin. πŸ˜€


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  He’s so pretty. And I see he has a bid on E-Bay. Way to go, Kyrin. πŸ˜€

                  Thanks…I wasn’t expecting a bid right away, I figured someone would wait until the last minute, but this is cool.

                  I hope it goes a little higher, I want to get two more PYOs or a brown hatchling. We’ll just have to wait and see. But even if it doesn’t it is so cool just have it sell at all.



                  Huh, as if a PYO painted like that wouldn’t sell. πŸ˜†

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