
PYO Mother Foo Dogs and PYO Unicorns are One Per Customer right now – 3/7/13

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion PYO Mother Foo Dogs and PYO Unicorns are One Per Customer right now – 3/7/13

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      We restocked the store with PYO Mother Foo Dogs and PYO Unicorns with PYO Horns. Due to the large number of people waiting for them, both are One Per Customer Only Please.

      You will note that a couple of eye colors are not available – we are out of Dark Red eyes for the Mother Foo (we’ll have more later) and out of the Metallic Periwinkle (but we have plain periwinkle). We are out of Metallic TEal for the Unicorns. We’ll have these eye colors later on, if they are the only ones that will work for you.


        Ahaha! I finally managed to snag a unicorn! Teal eyes would have been nice, but blue will do for now and I can wait…by the time I get to painting it they’ll probably be back and maybe I can send back my extra eyes…I know I have at least a few hanging around.


          and maybe I can send back my extra eyes…I know I have at least a few hanging around.

          Taken out of context, this has real awesome potential 😀

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            and maybe I can send back my extra eyes…I know I have at least a few hanging around.

            Taken out of context, this has real awesome potential 😀


            This made my day XD

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