
PYO Flion

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    Pure luck? 😆 😆




      Quill wrote:

      How much would we have to beg, plead and kiss your paws for a Paint-Your-Own Flion?

      I love you, Melody.

      I haven’t ha tome to sculot anything lately. Maybe if I can get enought stuff painted ahead of time I can start doing it again. There are tons of pyos I want to do, though a pyo flion is not high on the list. It seems that it wouldn’t lend itself to very many color schemes. I think I also prefer to do creatures I have not already done as production things..Makes it simpler for legal purposes..


        Does that mean no flapcats? *looks sad*


        I understand the copyright thing. I’m happy they’re being considered, at least.

        How about a winged platypus? I don’t recall seeing that as a production piece… lol! Kidding.


        Im still looking for a winged turtle.


          What about a PYO Chessapeka, you could call it..

          … wait for it.

          … “Amusement” ….

          or… “museling” 😀





            Still awaiting a PYO or production winged fox. 😀 *squeak*


              Hahaha… I like the ‘museling’ idea! 😀

              Maybe if the PYO cat looked different, like was laying down or sitting with a paw up (like it was pawing the air or a bug flying by)?


                siberakh1 wrote:

                Maybe if the PYO cat looked different, like was laying down or sitting with a paw up (like it was pawing the air or a bug flying by)?

                That’s a good idea! It’d be cute as sin, too…

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