PYO Eye & Gem Info – sizes, sources, etc

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO Eye & Gem Info – sizes, sources, etc

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      Hi Everyone!
      The PYO eye & gem info is now on a google doc for ease of updating. Just click the link below. 🙂

      [size=20][color=deepskyblue]PYO Eye & Gem Info – sizes, sources, etc.[/color][/size]

      Here is a link to the old thread as there’s some relevant discussion on the thread.
      [color=deepskyblue]Old PYO gem & eye thread[/color]


        Neither link is present/working.

        Looking for...

        Sitting young oriental dragon koi gold and white


          That’s weird. It was there before. I had tested it. 🤨


            It should be working now, I nudged the code a little to fix it!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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              Does anyone know what diameter orb would fit in the adult Fu Dog’s mouth? I don’t see that on the sheet but figured someone might have tried it by now? Thanks!

                Cari Parker

                  Is it possible to order JUST eyes? Turns out I would like a different color for my rooster than what I originally ordered.


                    Is it possible to order JUST eyes? Turns out I would like a different color for my rooster than what I originally ordered.

                    Send an email to Ms. Susie. She will most likely have you send your unwanted, unused eyes back and will send you a color you would like as a direct swap.

                    IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                    Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                    Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                    *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                    *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                      updated with new sculpts


                        Tohickon closed down and the owner moved to a different company. There are some eyes available from Mckenzie Taxidermy (where they moved to) but the color and size options are limited.


                          Thanks! Updated the page


                            Has anyone ever had any issues getting an eye of the proper side inside the socket of a PYO? I have a kirin that I painted and I thought that I was being smart leaving the eye out until after I was finished, but now that I’m done I’m finding it really hard to get one of them inside. (One of them went in and is seated tight and well, but this second one…) I’m not sure if the problem is the paint but I definitely didn’t think I painted the layer(s) that thick.


                              “Has anyone ever had any issues getting an eye of the proper side inside the socket of a PYO? I have a kirin that I painted and I thought that I was being smart leaving the eye out until after I was finished, but now that I’m done I’m finding it really hard to get one of them inside. (One of them went in and is seated tight and well, but this second one…) I’m not sure if the problem is the paint but I definitely didn’t think I painted the layer(s) that thick.”

                              The glass eyes vary from eye to eye – and the eye sockets may vary too. Eyes may be slightly thicker or thinner than each other, and sockets slightly bigger or smaller. Some eyes have big pupils and some have small ones too. We try to mail off a matched set but its often difficult to tell. Its wise to try them on in the eye sockets before painting so that you can scrape out the socket a bit if the eye feels too snug, or switch the eyes to fit on opposite sides. Paint is also thicker than you might think! A bit of scraping out of the painted eye socket should allow the eye to go in.

                              If your eyes don’t want to fit in – please contact me and tell me what the problem is, what PYO they are for, the eye color, and provide your name and mailing address – and then I can see about sending you a new pair that will fit your animal better.

                              To reach me please use email: or The contact us page goes to me as well!


                                “Has anyone ever had any issues getting an eye of the proper side inside the socket of a PYO? I have a kirin that I painted and I thought that I was being smart leaving the eye out until after I was finished, but now that I’m done I’m finding it really hard to get one of them inside. (One of them went in and is seated tight and well, but this second one…) I’m not sure if the problem is the paint but I definitely didn’t think I painted the layer(s) that thick.”

                                The glass eyes vary from eye to eye – and the eye sockets may vary too. Eyes may be slightly thicker or thinner than each other, and sockets slightly bigger or smaller. Some eyes have big pupils and some have small ones too. We try to mail off a matched set but its often difficult to tell. Its wise to try them on in the eye sockets before painting so that you can scrape out the socket a bit if the eye feels too snug, or switch the eyes to fit on opposite sides. Paint is also thicker than you might think! A bit of scraping out of the painted eye socket should allow the eye to go in.

                                If your eyes don’t want to fit in – please contact me and tell me what the problem is, what PYO they are for, the eye color, and provide your name and mailing address – and then I can see about sending you a new pair that will fit your animal better.

                                To reach me please use email: or The contact us page goes to me as well!

                                Aw, thank you Ms. Susie, that’s very kind of y’all. Luckily, we were able to get the eyes in. Somehow I had lost the original ones for that PYO a long time ago (part of the reason I didn’t get around to working on it until recently). I had experimented with a different set of Windstone eyes in a different color ordered for a different PYO and they seemed to fit well, unfortunately it just wasn’t the color match I wanted. So really I don’t think it’s the fault of anything on Windstone’s end; most likely it was either the layering of paint (me) or maybe the eyes that I ordered were slightly larger than the 8mm. Either way, everything is good; thank you again so much for offering. 🙂 Windstones has such fabulous customer service.


                                  This is extremely helpful, thank you!

                                  May your days be blessed with shade and sweet water. ~ElfQuest

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