PYO Dragons on Ebay

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      There are some New PYO dragons on Ebay.. only 10 in Red eyed and 10 in yellowed eye though..

      Wish I had some more money.. 🙁



        and 10 green eyed, well 9 green eyed 8)


          I got a green eyed dragon woot!


            I got a green-eyed too. I still have to paint my blue-eyed one! lol


            Oooh, I wonder if that means my special-order one has been produced with this lot? I can’t bloody wait to get him… I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him and LOVE him, George!! 😀


              Isn’t it “call him George”?


                no george was the other bear


                George IS supposed to be the other guy he refers to all the time, but I think emerald is thinking of one sketch where he does say he will ‘call him George’ too. At least I also vaguely remember it from somewhere…


                  It’s a Bugs Bunny sketch where Bugs convinces the Yeti to keep Daffy Duck as a pet 😆


                  Ahh, is that the one? I always forget about that one. I was thinking of the bit with Sylvester and the big cat, Lenny. They spoofed that classic a lot. The other one I remember is “If you don’t get me a little mouse George, I’ll do mean things to you, like stroke your fur the wrong way—like THIS!”

                  I can’t even begin to describe his painful-looking demonstration. 😆


                    Actually I was thinking of the very original, Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck. Lenny is the big, slow guy and George is the little, smart guy. And Lenny gets a puppy and he’s going to “hug him and kiss him and call him George” after his friend/brother George.


                    OH yes you’re right, that is in there isn’t it?? Pah, slipped my mind completely! Yeah he seems to say it to try and sucker George into letting him have it or something I think… good book (and movie, I thought).

                    But no, I will not be calling my PYO dragon George. Or rubbing his fur the wrong way. 😉


                      Yep. That’s it.


                        emerald212 wrote:

                        Actually I was thinking of the very original, Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck. Lenny is the big, slow guy and George is the little, smart guy. And Lenny gets a puppy and he’s going to “hug him and kiss him and call him George” after his friend/brother George.

                        Oh Yeah! Forgot about that one! Now that I think about it the Bugs sketch is probably based on that one… Although when I watched Bugs Bunny as a kid, it would no doubt have gone right over my head.

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