
PYO Dragon Question

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO Dragon Question

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    I searched through the message boards but couldn’t find an answer to this question. Are the small dragon and the keeper dragon the only PYO dragons that have ever been available? Is it possible that there will ever be any other styles for purchase? I have had SO much fun with these, and would lovelovelove the opportunity to paint a few different styles, as I’m sure some of you guys would as well. I understand that there are casting issues, but I was just curious!



      those two dragons are the only two so far.. but Melody did say she wanted to do more..

      but Melody’s list is very long.. so everyone has to pretend to be patient.. but that doesn’t usually work..

      if you want a certain kind.. go to the Ask Melody thread.. and add a squeak


        Yeah Melody has a lot going on . She needs help . 4 people on the poduction staff … eek . I wish her luck . Hang in there .

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