
PYO commissions

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO commissions

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  • #492679


    i am currently taking PYO commissions from anyone that is interested, i am in terrible need of cash right now so i figured id do this beings im good at it, you of course will be able to pick your colour scheme and sculpt you want, im charging $85 per commission which is a reasonable price..i think..i have two samples of my work, the muse i did and the dragon i did for kujacker, please PM me if your interested 🙂


    Awesome. I just might take you up on it. 😀


    im still taking commissions if anyone is interested 🙂


      😀 Here is a link to demonstrate Dragomancer’s work, please click:
      Dracomancer PYO

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